EVO Cat Food

by K B McFarland
(Ravenna, Ohio USA)

I have a diabetic cat who was on 5 units (U-40) of insulin two times a day. My veterinarian advised me that if I could get my diabetic cat on a diet of all canned food it would be best for him, but my cat doesn’t care for canned food and only eats 1-2 teaspoons a day.

I needed to find a dry food with high protein, low carbohydrate and no grain product.(Cats ARE obligate carnivores and shouldn’t eat grain). I found EVO with 50% protein, 7% carbohydrate and no grain products.

Within a month I was able to reduce my cat’s insulin to 1 unit two times a day. This was without him losing any weight. I was able to get him off insulin for several months until my youngest cat was diagnosed with lymphoma (cancer) caused by a malignancy in his kidney. He lost 1/3 of his weight in two weeks, and I had to find something he would eat.

He is doing well, and is in remission for the time being but my diabetic cat started to sneak his food and is back on 1 unit of insulin two times a day.

All of my cats, are special needs who came from the local animal shelter. I also volunteer with the Portage APL and foster for them.

I have fostered over 350 orphaned kittens, most of them bottle fed, mom cats with babies, special needs cats and kittens, dogs recovering from surgery and recently a mom dog with 6 puppies.

I currently have a pregnant female cat who is ready to give birth any day now. I also take shelter animals into the local nursing home for pet therapy, they love the the bottle fed babies and I take care of the PAPL cats that are at the local PetsMart store adoption center.

It is important to find a quality dry cat food with 40-50% protein, low carbohydrate and no grain products for your cats well being.

Canned foods are also good because they have high protein, very little grains and a high moisture content which is good for your cat’s urinary system. Cats teeth are designed for tearing chunks of meat and swallowing it whole so they really don’t need much dry food since they usually don’t chew it very much.

K B McFarland

Hi..K B McFarland Great post. Love it because you give good advice on cat food and you tell us how you help so many cats who need our help. These are the kind of stories I particularly like.

I am very impressed your efforts. You must be well known in the area.

You might like to tell us more in due course as your work is important.

Thanks for visiting and sharing. It gives me the opportunity to explore what you say a bit more……

Cat Sanctuary Beauties

I added the above cat photo because I like it and this is a healthy cat sanctuary cat. Photo by the great fofurasfelinas (Flickr) Giane Portal.

…..As I understand it, EVO cat food has been designed (within the limits of convenience and practicalities) by the manufacturers, Natura Pet Products, to reflect the prey diet of wild cats.

By the way, I believe Natura Pet Products is the company – a lot of people refer to EVO cat food as Innova EVO cat food, but Innova is a different product line within the Natura Pet Products range as far as I can see – perhaps someone can leave a comment to explain this.

In order to make dry cat food crisp and what is called “kibble” (in the Untied States), carbohydrates are needed as an ingredient of dry cat food. This high level of carbohydrates is not there for the cat but for the manufacturer to successful produce a convenient product.

Click this link for a spreadsheet that shows the high carbohydrate content of typical dry cat food. Evo cat food is not typical it seems.

A well known advocate of a more natural diet and wet cat food is Dr Elizabeth M Hodgkins DVM, who wrote a book around the subject: Your Cat, published by Thomas Dunne Books St.Martins Press New York – ISBN -13: 978-0-312-35801-3 and ISBN-10: 0-312-35801-6.

In her chapter about feline diabetes she heads the chapter with a bag of dry cat food above which is the tile of the chapter, “Feline Diabetes – A Man-made Killer.

Dr Hodgkins says feline diabetes is a growing problem in the USA (at about 1.5 million cats as at date of publication – 2007). She puts this mainly down to the growth in convenient dry cat food.

High carbohydrate dry cat food produces “wide swings in blood sugar” resulting in sluggishness. She goes onto say that, “taking the carbohydrate (sugar) out of the diet is a much bigger help in the control of feline diabetes….”.

As I understand it, the basic tenor of her argument is that a cat with a genetic tendency to feline diabetes and obesity will be pushed down that path by eating high carbohydrate dry cat food in a permanent indoor environment.

She says that she has never seen a diabetic cat that eats only either homemade cat food or canned cat food (see best canned cat food)! Evo cat food attempts to replicate the best home made cat food.

Innnova EVO dry cat food came out top on my survey of the most recommended dry cat foods. See the linked page below:

Best Dry Cat Food

Michael Avatar

EVO Cat Food to Best Cat Food

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EVO Cat Food

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Dec 27, 2011 Diabetic Cat in remission
by: Ruby

I posted back in march, that I was switching to EVO moist and dry,the chicken/turkey formula that has low calorie & most important very low carbs. My cat,had very high blood sugar and was on 5 units of insulin a day. He went into remission in only two months, off insulin! I continue to give him EVO moist and dry.He is a large cat and I wrote posted in March, trying to find out how much to feed him. Finally worked it out, to maintain his weight of 16 lbs. He gets 2 oz of moist EVO am, 1/4 cup dry EVO for the day, 2oz moist EVO pm.
Keeping caloric intake 325 and under.

I hope this helps other cat owners with diabetic cats.

Might add, my neighbor adopted a little male kitten, very sick with parasites..finally OK and her vet put him on the Innova cat food DRY..
he will only eat fancy feast moist and is doing very well.

Dec 27, 2011 soft sided dog crate
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing. My cat is short of strange. She prefers to sleep in the dog crate than in her own bed. The poor dog has been forces out. **link that was here was broken**

Jul 23, 2011 Diabetic Cats
by: Anonymous

My mom has a diabetic cat… and his last few check ups have been great. He is off ALL medication (insulin). Petwellness.com has a product called MELLIT. Costly but it works! It’s herbal and the drops are measured according to body weight. She feeds him canned grain-free (it’s the carbs that are so bad for these felines)EVO and others when she can get them. The cat is his old self again thanks to the Mellit. Just wanted to pass this info along for those that have diabetic cats.

Mar 26, 2011 Diabetic Male Cat Changing Food to EVO
by: Ruby

My male cat is 10 years old and like my female who is 14, they have both been on Purina One Modern Maturity dry food. They are both large,
indoor cats. My girl is fine, my boy,was iagnosed w/diabetes Jan 2011. My vet put him on Hills WD dry only and at the same time, the lowest dose of insulin (1unit) 2x a day. I added the WD canned, as he never seemed content, always crying for food. Although he has lost weight, and I feel he should not lose any more because he is losing muscle…His sugar remains very high. My vet has increased his insulin 2 more times since Jan 8th ..now,4units am and 3 pm. The vet did a fasting blood and all day blood draw and it was still high, so he increased the insulin to 3 and 2 units…8 days ago, another fructosamine test,which shows no improvement. He is still drinking a lot of water and urinating a lot. The WD is supposedly low carb, high fiber..the fiber was to fill him up, it is not, he is hungry all the time. Thinking about the events, I feel it most probably is the food? I resarched alternative foods, and decided to try the Innova EVO moist food, which was available at my healthfood store. I would like to eventually try him on all moist EVO as many people seem to have good results w/moist food only. My boy loves all foods, moist/dry..not particular about his food, loves everything! At this time, I am giving him some of the WD dry and then the moist EVO. Started last night.Am unable to leave food out, as he will eat both his and hers in one sitting. I need a guideline as to how much moist EVO to give him per day, based on his weight of 14lbs and how often should he be fed, once he is on moist food only. I think it may be best to slowly decrease the Hills WD dry, until he is on EVO moist completely. Any suggestions would be most sppreciated. thank you.

Feb 21, 2011 Diabetic cat (Jade) female
by: Tom

I have a diabetic cat and have been injecting her with insulin 3 units twice a day. It has been going on for 2 months now. I’ve been reading your suggestions and many others about this disease to cats. I really appreciate your input and helpful suggestions. You mention a lot of about carbohydrates. I feed my cats (6) all together, “Purina One” salmon and tuna, and Purina Naturals plus vit. They both mention important analysis guarantees of protein, taurine, etc which is beneficial for there diet. I never see anything regarding carbohydrates. How come? Being that Carbs in dry cat food is a bad ingredient to a large extent. Why are they hiding this? I’d like to know what percent of it I’m feeding them. Help me out here. And, what is the prct of carbs in EVO? One more question. Is it ok for me to feed my diabetic cat a popular brand like “Friskies” wet food to help combat or stabilize her sugar count? I can’t afford to pay the high price of $30.00 for a 10 lb bag of dry food if she shouldn’t eat it. Just because it has 51pct protein. It’s also hard on her teeth and she definately makes a stool stench like a cheap lit cigar. She’s approx 5 to 6 yrs old calico and nutered. She had one litter 5 yrs ago.

Dec 10, 2010 EVO Cat Food
by: Andrew @ WestCoastPetSupply.com

Evo Cat Food is actually called Innova EVO Cat Food and is the grain-free formula that Innova puts out. The parent company of Innova is Natura Pet which was recently (about 3 or so months ago) bought out by Proctor and Gamble. See for more information about the EVO line.

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