Examiner.com is closing on 10th July 2016 (says Inquisitr.com)

The well-known and large news website examiner.com is closing on 10th July. I have heard this from the inquisitr.com website. They are the only website reporting it but their page has been deleted. Therefore I don’t have details. The information comes from a Google search “‘Examiner.com’ Website To Shut Down On July 10 — Writers React…” We don’t know what the writers’ reaction is. No doubt there is a lot of upset and anger.

There are probably hundreds of writers for examiner.com who have lost a source of income. I don’t have more information at this time. My feeling is that the shut down is due to increased competition and their site not being able to be sufficiently profitable. If someone can provide information in a comment that would be great. This news is relevant to PoC because there are lots cat news writers on examiner.com and that source of news will end. It may have a positive effect on PoC views. Just hoping.

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20 thoughts on “Examiner.com is closing on 10th July 2016 (says Inquisitr.com)”

  1. Hi T, thanks for commenting and requesting information. I don’t think I can help except to say that sometimes I like to publish articles from writers other than myself. If you are able to extend your repertoire to the subject of cats and write an interesting article on cats then I’d consider paying you $30 for it. No guarantees however as there are 10,000 pages on this site!

    In the meantime the best of luck.

  2. I am an Army veteran wrote for the examiner for more than three years I wrote health food posts and recipes for the Examiner. I found that writing was soothing for me because when I started working for the Examiner I was in recovery from combat related injuries and couldn’t work for awhile. When I was finally able to work partime only as a result of my injuries, I continued to work for the Examiner to help exercise my brain. Is there another site that needs freelance journalist to contribute health food news and recipes? Thank you.

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