Excellent picture of woman rescuing four cats in Sabah floods

Kota Kinabalu is the capital of the relation state of Sabah in the northern part of the island of Borneo where, we are told, there are massive floods and, in these floods, there are many animals requiring rescue which resulted in this fantastic photograph (albeit not very sharp) of a good woman whose name is Phoebe hugging for very frightening cats in her arms as they escaped the rising waters around them. The picture is probably a screenshot from a video.

Malayan woman saves cats in floods
Malayan woman saves cats in floods. Screenshot.
Until September 7th I will give 10 cents to an animal charity for every comment. It is a way to help animal welfare without much effort at no cost. Comments help this website too, which is about animal welfare.

It’s a beautiful, classic photograph of cat rescue from floods; floods which appear to be more common nowadays with climate change and indeed more devastating. As mentioned, technically the picture is poor as it is too ‘soft’ (unsharp) but the content is superb.

We don’t know much about the cats or Phoebe except that she’s a good woman.

The photograph is on Facebook. The rains have been continuous and there have been floods in Penampang and Putatan and areas near the state’s capital, Kota Kinabalu.

Flooding began in Sabah on Sunday, June 30th, 2024 and has caused significant disruption to the west coast of the state. As of today, July 2nd, the number of evacuees continues to rise, with over 464 people from 140 families placed in relief centers [Sabah floods: Increase].

Here’s a summary of the situation:

  • Areas Affected: Penampang, Putatan, Tuaran, Tamparuli, Sipitang, Inanam, Manggatal, and Telipok [search for: “Floods hit west coast Sabah”]
  • Disruptions: A woman drowned, schools have been closed, and at least one land slip has been reported to have cut off access to the state’s interior [search for: “Floods hit west coast Sabah”].
  • Rescue and Aid: The Fire and Rescue Department has responded to hundreds of distress calls, and the state government has begun distributing financial aid to affected families [search for: “Sabah to seek federal govt funds for flood aid, clean-up work”]
  • Weather Outlook: The Malaysian Meteorological Department has forecast continued thunderstorms and heavy rain in some areas.

RELATED: Real Time Video of Cat Rescue in Sydney Floods

4 thoughts on “Excellent picture of woman rescuing four cats in Sabah floods”

  1. It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they are determined! And it’s wonderful to have reminders of how many people go to great lengths to help animals in distress.

    Thank you, Michael, for providing such a broad range of cat-related articles!

    • Couldn’t agree more. I am a cynical old man but there are so many wonderful unsung heros out there doing good things, often quietly without any recognition or reward. They remove some of my cynicism. Thanks for commenting. Another 10 cents for animal welfare.


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