by Michael
(Ponca City, OK)
F2 Savannah kittens are gorgeous and there are nearly always four or more playing, sleeping and eating in the home of Martin and Kathrin Stucki of A1 Savannahs, as part of the socialization process.
Just yesterday one on them, Raven, a lovely dark coated f2 Savannah cat caught a frog. He calmly walked across the living room floor with it in his mouth.
The day before I had the chance to photograph Daria another fine example of an F2 Savannah kitten. Here he is playing in a tunnel, which these kittens love by the way.

Not all the kittens are F2s. There is a truly scrumptious looking F1 Savannah kitten who is named, Focus. He is distinctly larger despite being of a similar age and he is more cobby that the rangy F2s. This is not because he is an F1 but because his parents were that type.
He has wonderful ocelli (ear spots) on his ears. These are directly descended from his wild serval father. Here is a picture of his ear spots:

Here is a more conventional shot of Focus, who is going to turn out to be a fantastic F1 Savannah cat.

Finally, I mentioned Raven. He is a dark coated Savannah kitten. All the spots are there as usual but the background colour is darker.
Kathrin says that the darker Savannah kittens have the best temperaments. He purrs loudly all the time when he is near you and likes to be close to you or on you. Here is a picture of Raven:

There you have some top line F2 Savannah kittens – the best you can get and they are all wandering around the house here – fabulous…