Fad in Russsia for tattoing hairless cats

Fad in Russsia for tattoing hairless cats

by Michael

There appears to be a fad in Russia for tattooing hairless cats. These are normally Don Sphynx cats, the Russian equivalent of the Sphynx in the West.

I don’t want to be too politically correct etc. but I don’t like it. It is actually very irresponsible.

This is because the cat’s health, indeed life, is put at risk just to please a whim of the cat’s “owner”. That can’t be correct.

Between one on 100 and one in 1000 cats die under anesthetic and a proportion are left brain damaged. I don’t know what that proportion is but it must be significant.

No YouTube comment refers to this serious risk for what could be classified as cosmetic surgery.

I have another post on PoC about this sort of thing. It seems to be particular to Russia.

This is probably because of the upsurge in the demand for tattoos (on humans) and that there are a good number of hairless purebred cats in Russia.

Russia has quite an active cat fancy.

Apparently the tattoo reads, ““Carpe Deem” a mispelling of ““Carpe Diem”, which means “seize the day”. That takes the biscuit. That makes the whole sad affair doubly bad.

The tattooist clearly had not even checked. It seems to have been done rather casually. I am surprised that they videoed it and published it on YouTube. It is nothing but bad.

However, the vast majority of people who have made comments on YouTube find it acceptable. That tells us what the modern world is like, I think.


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Fad in Russsia for tattoing hairless cats

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Feb 25, 2012
Petition NEW
by: Barbara

There is a care2 petition here

the goal was 15,000 signatues and so far there are 18,123 please add your signatures against this disgusting cruelty

Barbara avatar

Feb 25, 2012
Cruel NEW
by: Edward

Thats dreadful man and cruel to force a poor cat to have stupid patterns to mar his beautiful body.
If people want to mar their own body with graffittiti let them but not to do it to cats who if they could say no would do that.

Feb 20, 2012
Where have the morals gone?? NEW
by: Anonymous

For goodness sake! This is just clear STUPIDITY!

It is the equivalent of taking a human, against their will, anaesthetising them and carving distasteful designs into their skin with a scalpel!!
How can any person in their right mind find this kind of STUPID behaviour acceptable?? for goodness sake GROW SOME BRAINS!!!

Feb 20, 2012
Low life idiots NEW
by: Ruth

This is so upsetting and I can hardly bear to think of the pain the cats suffer because of the stupidity and selfishness of the idiots who have their cats tattooed.
Years ago our late dad used to do tattooes and grown men would often faint after the procedure, so imagine a little cat waking up groggy and sore and bewildered.
All for showing off and proving the power their low life owners, YES owners because they treat their cats as possessions, have over helpless animals.
Instead of abuse ending, new ways are being thought up to torture innocent creatures and it makes very very sad.
I can’t bear to look at the YouTube video with the comments accepting such cruelty.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 20, 2012
Human Stupidty For Toture NEW
by: Kj. Catlover

This is appalling! The poor cat is going to have the rest of it’s life with a crappy tattoo that was NOT vet approved.

The dangers of anaesthetic are a major problem for all animals and not to mention the fact that even the ink used is highly toxic – vets use a specialised ink when marking desexed cats (here in Australia). The toxic nature of ink is even an issue in humans. So they are basically condemming a cat to slow death by ink poisoning – yup humans have a knack for finding the most slow way to kill an animal. The liver and kidney issues are going to cause untold pain to the cat and will the “owner” bother to make sure it is treated or are they going to ignore it as they ignored the original issue of health and safety when they made the stupidest decision of their life? What will be next? Tattooing their kids from birth?

I would seiously love to have the power to take away any cat subjected to this and ban the person for life from ever owning an animal as they obviously have no concept of how to care for it, or, in my opinion, how to love it like a family member. Would any one with an inkling of humanity, without the consent of a family member, forcibly put their life in peril just for a tattoo? I doubt it – so don’t do it to your pets dumbasses!

Feb 20, 2012
Just horrible NEW
by: Barbara

I can’t bear to think about cats like the one in the picture waking up from an anaesthetic feeling ill, nauseous and groggy and sore on his tender skin because some b****** of a human decided on a whim to have some idiot tattoo him permanently with what is basically illiterate graffiti! This makes me so angry I am ready to burst! The thought of cats undergoing needless anaesthetics for cruelty like this surely makes any responsible cat carer who dreads their cat having to undergo anaesthesia, because of the risks invloved, shudder (speaking as one who’s cat stopped breathing under a necessary anaesthetic!) How can anyone find this acceptable? It is despicable.

Barbara avatar

Feb 19, 2012
Fad in Russia for tattoing hairless cats. NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Its very cruel on the part of the owners to tattoo their pet cats.I myself am fond of tattoo’s and have 3 tattoo’s on my body but would never ever think of putting btattoo’s on any of my pets.Your pets , although non-human and under your control have their own natural lives to lead.Its sad that in Russia a few cat owners are using their pets as an extension of their own life-style.Please, let a cat live like a cat .

Feb 19, 2012
Cruel/sadistic tattoing cats !! NEW
by: Anonymous

After reading this article, I’m hearbroken & sickened to learn how so “called” pet owners allow such a cruel/sadistic method to be performed on our “purry” friend. I wish/hope this doesn’t spread to other countries. What makes it even worse is cats die from anesthesia or end up with brain damage.

Very selfish.

Our cats have been implanted(very quickly) with a chip that has their name & relevant information because we love our cats.

Truly disgusted,
Southeast Arizona

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