This is the happy ending story about a family who moved into a new home who inherited the resident cat. The former homeowner left a heartwarming note about the cat who had shown up at the home 12 years prior that they were never able to tame.

Miranda and her family found a note when they moved into their new home. The note explained how an orange kitty had been born on the property and remained feral. The former property owner fed the cat twice a day and even made him a small house.
When Miranda looked out the back door and saw the kitty looking back at her. She named him Raz. According to the note, Raz had an injured paw. Miranda, who is a cat lover with five pet cats, hopes to tame Raz enough to get him to a vet.

Raz is learning to trust the new family. He used to run and hide when the family ventured outside. Now he tolerates them, especially when food is involved.
Source 1 (more photos here)
Anne, do you have any idea how slow my computer is these days with all the writing and all the posting? Plus I work a regular job. I’m lucky to get as much done as I do. It’s not that easy to find things on Instagram for me. Today alone I’ve had to reboot the computer six times! You’re lucky you found it. I had already typed in Miranda (no last name) and Raz and typed in Raz alone and came up with a long list. Each day at work I walk 4 miles, work on an article or two for PoC, post 19-23 articles on the MyCompassionbuzz site, answer emails, look at Facebook PM’s and take care of the cats at home. I can’t do everything!
Michael can tell you that when he gets up and on the computer around 3-4am our time that I’M. STILL. AWAKE. I’m freaking sorry I’m not perfect!
Micheal and Elisa, the IG address of @wottrns is valid for this article. Did you bother to search for it on IG?
I couldn’t even find a date on it but I loved the story and wanted to write on it.
Raz looks to have landed on all four paws when he picked that house. Two successive, compassionate families, is a lucky hit rate.
Good work Raz.
This really touches my heart. I hope that Raz will continue to learn to trust the new homeowner more and more each day…😥💜💜🐾