Farm Feral Cats

Farm Feral Cats

by Gina
(Central Alberta, Canada)

We live on a farm 4km from a town in Central Alberta, Canada. We have many feral cats here. It is so heartbreaking. At this time we have built 4 different shelters for them. Each shelter can hold 2 mothers and their kittens.

We keep the shelters heated and we put food out everyday. When the kittens get old enough we try to find them homes, but we can’t keep up. I wish that there was something we could put in their water to prevent more kittens.

There was one cat that was dropped off about 2 years ago, it was declawed! Are people intentionally that cruel? The coyotes got that one and it had no defense. Could not fight back or climb a tree. Since that time we have put boards against trees so the cats have an easier time getting away.

If anyone knows of something that we can use for preventing more kittens please post it. Our winters are bitter and long.


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Farm Feral Cats

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Jan 02, 2010 More about my tribe
by: Gina

Most of the cats on my farm do eat the mice,but they also eat the birds,rabbits and my young chicks.I have been looking for inexpensive neutering but have been unable to find any in my area.The weather is far too bitter and cold to trap in the winter.Today it is -28 degrees celcius.They would freeze to death in less than 20 minutes.Is there no form of birth control that I could put in their water?I found a home for three kittens yesterday.That leaves me with still about 30.Two more showed up at Christmas time,one a feral tom and one a drop off.The drop off was found on a day that was -45 derees celcius with windchill.It lost it’s ears and seems to have trouble with the bottom of its feet.I am thinking of taking a picture and seeing if the local newspaper would put it in.Then hopefully the person who dropped it off would know the torture they put on this cat.

Jan 02, 2010 There’s always a way..
by: Everycat

I think you are wonderful for working so hard to give these ferals a good chance in life and receive food, shelter and care.

The only way to stop that endless flow of kittens into the world is via Trap, Neuter, Return. It’s been proven all over the world to be the most effective method of keeping feral colonies under control and improving the overall health of each colony.

Do you have a local Feral Cat Welfare group or indeed any cat rescue organisation who you could contact and perhaps join forces with? I know from experience that you can feel very isolated and overwhelmed if you are trying to control a multiplying colony by yourself. If you can find others who have experience, the opportunity to share resources (traps, carriers, info on good vets who will work with ferals for a fair price) is invaluable, it’s also a relief to have someone to just chat to about the problems you face.

I found this link to a blog about Drop Traps. The author looks amenable to helping people who are working with ferals. They will provide plans for building drop traps, instructions and also a map to where some of their traps are already in use (so you might be able to borrow one) There’s also an instructional video showing the drop traps in use.

The Hav-a Heart type traps with the pressure plate that shuts the door behind the feeding cat can be useful but they can be expensive, and for trap savvy cats, they aren’t so good. I was very impressed by the Drop Traps on the site.

I wish you well in your valuable work with ferals. Don’t lose heart, it is possible to control a colony, but you must seek some local support for the sake of your sanity!

Best wishes


Dec 18, 2009 Trap,neuter,return
by: Jan Plant

I found one link that would allow me access.But it looks real promising,and in your area.
Good Luck!

Dec 18, 2009 feral fixing
by: De

find a cat rescue group that deals with ferals and vets who might donate or discount spayings. I have one her inRochester that deals only with ferals. They trap neuter and release them.If friendly, young pregnant or kittens they find foster homesto hold them till adoptable. Socialized and weaned. I have 12-15 in my area and I’m in the middle of the city! They are all fixed now but 2 new ones. A recent loss of 2 and I son have 2 newbees. They have learned my food call forsoft hotstew(1 big can soft food a 1/2 filled 3lb butter container(about4 cups) of hard catfood.Fill can with hot water 2-3 times.Mix in small bucket. Cover let sit to absorb and soften. About 10-15 minutes its a soft stewI put on a plastic tray andset out with 3-4 empty TV dinner trays with food at different spots on my porch shelves. They learned to eat off tray next to each other.) Mine don’t fight because they know I will chase them away till they learn.IAM TOP CAT in their social ranking.
Good luck. De

Dec 18, 2009 feral kitten problem
by: Jan Plant

it’s so kind of you to care for these poor creatures.Our colony consists of 11, and fortunately we’ve been able to have all but one old tom spayed or neutered. We have TNR programs here.Trap,neuter and release.I’m not sure about your area,but I will definitely look into it and get back her to you with the info.So stay in touch! god Bless you for your kindness.

Dec 18, 2009 Article
by: Michael

I wrote an article about putting feral cats to use by re-locating them at farms to keep rodents down. Are your farm feral cats mousers or does all their food come from you?

It is said that trap, neuter, return if carried out consistently and provided the supply of feral cats from outside the colony does not consistently increase, leads to a gradual decline in the feral cat colony as it must.

I am in awe of the work that you do and the care that you give to these feral cats. But do you neuter and spay them? You didn’t mention that.

Thanks for popping by.

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