Farm Feral Cats
by Gina
(Central Alberta, Canada)
We live on a farm 4km from a town in Central Alberta, Canada. We have many feral cats here. It is so heartbreaking. At this time we have built 4 different shelters for them. Each shelter can hold 2 mothers and their kittens.
We keep the shelters heated and we put food out everyday. When the kittens get old enough we try to find them homes, but we can’t keep up. I wish that there was something we could put in their water to prevent more kittens.
There was one cat that was dropped off about 2 years ago, it was declawed! Are people intentionally that cruel? The coyotes got that one and it had no defense. Could not fight back or climb a tree. Since that time we have put boards against trees so the cats have an easier time getting away.
If anyone knows of something that we can use for preventing more kittens please post it. Our winters are bitter and long.