Fashion’s top cat earned £3 million from two modelling jobs

Fashion’s top cat is Karl Lagerfeld’s Birman cat, Choupette. She is three years of age. Lagerfeld describes his cat as the most famous cat in the world and the richest. He says that she’s like a human. He is besotted and that’s fine.

Largerfeld photographs Choupette
Lagerfeld photographs Choupette. Choupette is earning millions!

Lagerfeld claims that his pet made 3 million from two modelling jobs last year. If this claim is true her earnings are possibly higher than Cara Delevigne’s.

However, the most likely explanation is not that Choupette earned the money but that the amount includes Lagerfeld’s fees for working on a photo shoot with his cat for the German cat manufacturer, Opel. If this is true, which is likely, then Lagerfeld’s fee of £3 million gives us an indication as to why he is so rich.

Choupette has 54,000 Instagram followers. The news media were saying that she was a Siamese cat. I suppose to the untrained eye she was a pointed cat and therefore automatically Siamese but her fur is too long and her body shape is certainly not that of a modern Siamese cat.

She has “written” a book, posed for Shu Uemura, a cosmetics brand and as mentioned has been involved with Lagerfeld in promoting Opel motor cars.

We have to concede that domestic cats are very good businesses nowadays. The celebrity cats have truly earned a lot for their owners.

8 thoughts on “Fashion’s top cat earned £3 million from two modelling jobs”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Well said, Rudolph. You’ve hit the nail on the head. I suppose that Carl Lagerfeld is really indulging in self-promotion whereas Grumpy Cat’s owner is simply exploiting her cat to make money. Different objectives.

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