Federal US law being considered to ban eating your cat

The law is messy in this area but in general it is legal for a person to kill their cat and eat him/her. Or it might be an unowned cat.

It is illegal for commercial enterprises (slaughter houses) to kill cats and dogs. But things are going to change I hear from the Bloomberg website. I can hear people thinking ‘and about time too!’

At present in the US some people do eat cat meat as they do in China and Vietnam. It is rare but it happens and it’s legal. Bloomberg says that it occurs among some immigrant groups. They probably mean Chinese or Vietnamese immigrants.

So, great news. It’s going to stop provided the law making process proceeds as intended. Violators on conviction can be fined and sent to prison for a year.

The Humane Society of the United States has been campaigning on this for a while.

The law will be introduced by an amendment to the existing Animal Welfare Act (I don’t have the date of this particular act, sorry). The amendment bans people from ‘knowingly slaughtering a dog or cat for human consumption’.

The proposer of the amendment is the Republican Representative Jeff Denham of California. California are debating banning cat declawing and 8 cities already ban declawing. They are into animal welfare and lead the country in this area of the law.

18 thoughts on “Federal US law being considered to ban eating your cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. You are referring to China basically and China has no animal welfare laws whatsoever. Zero, zilch, nada. That is the level of animal welfare in China where they eat cats in the south. It is not widespread but it happens in the south in a province there. They are obviously completely wrong to do it. The Chinese are vilified internationally for their brutal killing of domestic and feral cats for human consumption in the South. It is not just me and associates of mine who hate this practice. It is millions of other people. If you can’t see that the I feel sorry for you.

    The lack of animal welfare law tells you about their relationship with animals. The Chinese pretty well exterminated the tiger in their country. Another example of their crass attitude towards animal welfare and wildlife conservation. I could go on but I am too bored to discuss the matter with you.

  3. “clear why you failed at your chosen legal profession”

    You do not know a thing about what I did as a solicitor. So this is just a nasty insult.

    If all you can do is insult me without any evidence then I will have to terminate these conversations.

  4. I don’t look an idiot and your comments are so abjectly boring that I simply can’t be bothered to read all of them. In fact when I read your comments I skim them very quickly. To do any more would be a complete waste of my time.

  5. Database? How can I remember what I’ve never been told. If you can’t be bothered to read and reply to a discussion in context, then no wonder you look like such an idiot to the world whenever you reply to anyone.

  6. So now your tactic is to move the goal-posts. Now it’s about how deeply people bond with their pets. The same depth of bonding can be found in those who keep pigs, chickens, and cows for pets, some people who keep fish bond with their fish in the same way. That argument of yours falls flat on its face too. And your absurd deflections are never going to win any argument. I guess what they say about you is right, it’s clear why you failed at your chosen legal profession so long ago. You can’t win any argument with anyone unless they fall for your lame and childish tricks.

  7. There are huge countries that raise cats for human consumption. Why are you right and they are wrong? Should we throw you in jail for eating a McBurger or feeding beef cat-food to your pets because the whole population of India sees you and anyone like you as an inhumane barbarian for doing so?

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