Cat’s act instinctively. Their instincts react to environmental pressures based on their emotions which vary depending on personality. But essentially a cat’s instincts can act as a kind of barometer of what is happening around the cat and to the cat. A cat’s instincts also tell us what is happening inside the cat’s brain to a certain extent. And as cats have rapid reflexes (faster than a snake’s) their instincts are rapidly manifested in feline actions.
Feline instincts provide their caregiver with an inight into how their cat feels and whether the environment created for them is acceptable to the cat or even better: wonderful. Of course, the environment is entirely generated by human hand if the cat is a standard cared-for domestic cat. This is the challenge and responsibility of care caregiving.
When buying a purebred cat or adopting a rescue cat from a shelter, that step is more than the aquisition of a new possession. It is taking on a big responsibility.
More: instinctive behavior