A tabby and white stray cat (actually the cat looks like a calico) sneaks into the zoo enclosure of a lynx wild cat at St. Petersburg Zoo. This must be a Eurasian lynx, the biggest of the lynx family. He sneaks in and makes friends instantly it seems. He grooms his wild friend and his friendship is reciprocated. Beautiful. It is almost as if the calico cat is sorry for the lynx and trying to make his life better for a moment. I am possibly anthropomorphising this but God it is good.
It is a beautiful relationship.
Dusja the cat has been living at the zoo since 2007. She was adopted by yhem when they discovered her inside the lynx enclosure. Their friendship is amazing & they clearly have a special bond
Totally agree, it is lovely to see something positive and constructive in the world and on this occasion it happens to be between 2 cats. And I also agree with Dee, whether wild or domestic they’re all the same and they still relate to each other.
The world is going through a bad phase I believe and I am not optimistic about the future but I will be out of it if it all goes up with a bang in 20-30 years time!