FeLV Kitty Needs Help

FeLV Kitty Needs Help

by Carla
(Edmonton AB Canada)

Handsome KODA

Handsome KODA

My name is Carla Roman. Myself and my partner Kirby Seidler run a cat rescue in Edmonton Ab. SAFE Team (Saving Animals From Euthanasia) has been in operation for a year now and we have re-homed over 100 cats. Most of our rescues are from overpopulated pounds and off the harsh city streets.

We were contacted 2 weeks ago by 2 ladies who found a declawed stray living in their neighbourhood. They took the kitty in and asked if we could help this poor boy find a home.

The kitty, named Koda, was taken to the vet by myself were he was SNAP tested, which showed a positive for FeLV. We are a smaller rescue and are not set up to deal with FeLV,FIV cats.

We are willing to fly this boy any where he needs to go to be able to live a happy life he so deserves. As of right now he is not showing any sickness and he is already neutered.

The 2 ladies who currently have Koda need him removed from there home as they have a 14 year old cat they are worried about. If we do not find a place for this boy to go they said they have no choice but to euthanize him.

It really breaks my heart as he must have had a family at some point in his life and now he has no one. I cannot let euthanasia be his fate.
Is there any one who can help this kitty?

Carla Roman

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FeLV Kitty Needs Help

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Apr 22, 2011
Kitty help.
by: Anonymous

You are advertising this feline..to get people to contribute to your ??questionable save the feline site. SAFE TEAM. This cat has been put to sleep BY *YOU*. This is false advertising and is reported.

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