Feral Cat Friend and Protector Jan Plant

by Jan Plant
(Marion,Texas U.S.)

Some of our

Some of our "Wild Bunch"

When I became my mate's 24/7 care provider in June, I moved in with him. He owns a small trailer park in a rural area of Texas. One day I noticed, while taking out the trash, four very skinny, fairly young cats in the dumpster. Well, me being me, I can't stand to see an animal in such shape. I started putting out food and fresh water; trying to gain their trust.

Which has taken some time. I've made friends with the tenants as well and to bring this to a short, but fairly happy end, through a slush fund the tenants and I contribute to, which we created, we have managed to spay and neuter 10 of these kittens (all but one are under a year old, and he's a wily,old beat up tom).

Although none of the tenants wish to "adopt" any of this "wild bunch", they all freely give an extra $25.00 a month to the "kitty", to help pay for food and vet bills.

I cannot have them in the house as my mate is on oxygen and has severe breathing problems. But even as I am typing this there are two sitting on the air conditioner tapping on the window reminding me that it's almost breakfast time.

We fixed a shelter of sorts for them under our large picnic table. They have a futon mattress and we wrapped tarps around it to keep off the wind and the warm air from under our trailer keeps the air from getting to cold inside.

Unfortunately, there's not much else I can do. They are feed, sheltered, have been vet checked and are all befriended by some of the kindest people I know.

I am open to any suggestions. These were all dumped animals and sadly I do not know how to stop that. My mate says they hung out a welcome sign that only cats can read. LOL! Lord, I hope not.


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Feral Cat Friend and Protector Jan Plant

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Dec 16, 2009 Jan Plant
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

How sad for these little ones. At least they knew some type of love before they met their guide on the Rainbow Bridge. I am sure that the word's out for you, though...don't be surprised to see another little band of feral merry-makers come your way!

Dec 16, 2009 Kittens
by: Jan Plant

Sadly, the little ones lost their battle last night.Our vet just called with the news.At least their ordeal is over.

Dec 16, 2009 Jan Plant
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

XXX- this URL is broken 26th Oct 2012 - sorry

While searching the Internet for small dog houses (since no one thinks a cat needs one), I came across this link for Walmart. They ship store-to-store as well as to your home for a fee. I don't know what your situation is; however, considering the coyote issue, this may be an alternative.

You are so kind to look after this little band of ruffians. These precious kitties will forever hold you in high esteem for all that you do. Thanks and may your feral tenants live long and prosper!

Dec 15, 2009 word must of got out
by: Jan Plant

I was out doing some clean up in back acreage and what do you suppose I found. Two small kittens.We ran them down to our vet friend,says they wouldn't have made it another night out in the cold.(Gonna be 31 tonight.)She says they may not make it anyway.
We have a coyote problem,so they may have killed the queen.So she may have been heading here.The vet is going to keep and treat them,if they make it,his receptionist is going to foster.Hurrah! They get socialized and hopefully adopted.The little cuties are thin,and about three weeks old,so here's hoping.Will keep ya posted.
And thanks for the welcome.Good to have somewhere to share all this with!Thanks again.

Dec 15, 2009 Hi Jan
by: Michael

I love the way you organised the funding and as far as I can see you are doing all you can.

The feral cat population should decline unless it gets out on the cat grapevine that Jan is looking after feral cats so well that others will turn up!

I also like the simple but effective cat shelter and the natural recycling of warm air from your trailer. Nice and efficient.

Thanks for sharing Jan and good luck with the program.

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