Feral Cat Has Four Houses

Feral Cat Has Four Houses

by Cathy
(Valley Stream NY)

Mama looking very comfortable.

Mama looking very comfortable.

Five years ago I moved into my house and Mama came with it. She is an all black feral cat. I can't touch her but I can talk to her and she comes to the door if I am late with breakfast. I live in NY and the winter is cold so my fiancé bought her a heated house from Nova Scotia to keep her warm.

She has 3 other houses, one is a shed, which I converted to her house originally. It has a little house inside with a Nasa Blanket, which I surrounded in Styrofoam in the winter (before the heated house). She has another house just for eating (to shelter her from the bad weather when she eats) and one more little house with a Nasa Blanket which I also bought for outside before the heated house.

She also has a swing she loves which was given to me from my Mom when my Mom passed on. I feed her 3 times a day and I love her. It took me 2 years to catch her and fix her. Oh, the heartache of all the litters trying to find a home.

I never knew what a feral cat was until Mama. My neighbor was a real jerk but one day I sat him down and explained to him how hard HER life is and that we need to help her. He had a better understanding when I was finished.

I do the best I can to take care of her but... I want better for her. I want to try and bring her in but she is so hard to catch and I worry about upsetting her. I love her and right now it is really cold out, and although I know she is warm, I want better for her.


Hi Cathy... I love your story of love. Your love is very true because it is almost totally unconditional. I think you could progress, in time, to getting her to come in and be more a part of the family. I hope so as she could then pay you back a bit for your kindness. We like these stories. I changed the title because it is unusual for a cat to have four little houses! I hope you don't mind....Michael.

If you can get a picture of Mama just email me at:

mjbmeister at gmail.com changing at for @

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Feral Cat Has Four Houses

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Dec 29, 2010 Cool to be nice
by: Anonymous

It is nice to hear story like that, but not everyone can provide what you can. I live in a big city in apartment building and have parrot living with me. I adopted street cat this spring. Bird and cat doing ok, though for safety reason we have to keep eye on them all the time when bird is out of cage. My cat introduced feral girl friend to me a couple month later. Now to about 8 month I feed his girlfrined twice a day, but my heart is broken to see hardship that she is going through during the winter. I have no place to put house for her. I would get for her best house ever, but there is no place to put it. Around my apartment building is a parking lot. Next door elementary school and church. Otherwise private houses. My heart is broken every day when I feed her and have to send her out there in a cold. I tryed to lead her into my apartment during horroble snowstorm a week ago, but she is too afraid to come it. She somehow survived snow storm, but it is only December and whole winter is upfront. I can't live like this, as I cry everyday when I see her going, but what can I do? Money is not a concern her, but I don't own property to set her house. Anyone, do you have any suggestions for me?

Thank you

Dec 21, 2009 Tips for Feral Cat Shelters to Make
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Cathy, you are such an angel for taking care of these wonderful ferals.

I came across this website with wonderful tips about making your own feral shelters (or buying if you choose). A fellow animal lover from another website posted this link and I hope it works for everyone to see since it has such wonderful suggestions!

What I like about the shelters you make is that the site has photos so you get an idea of what it should look like! Another wonderful idea from another poster was to use solar pool covers on the shelters to attract natural heat for your furkids! DOH! What a simple, yet ecologically great idea!

Dec 18, 2009 MAMA
by: cathy valley stream

Hello everyone! thank you all so much for your kind words, support and jokes. I have 2 other indoor cats which I try to spoil too. Now we may have a blizzard - mama just ate and filled her belly for the night. I will go out there tomorrow and make a path for my little girl. hi Pat! see you got my card. I sure she misses you too. 5 cats - your are wonderful 🙂

To eveyone - You are all wonderful too..

Merry Christmas Happy Chanuka and Happy Healthy New Year to all. I will keep you posted of Mama.
Thanks again.


Dec 17, 2009 "Mama's Mouse"
by: Jan Plant

What a blessed kind soul you are to do so much for Mama.She looks quite comfy in her swing.I titled the comment as I did because for years my friends all called me the house-mouse.Meaning I spoiled every one, and saw to their every need.That's what you do for Mama! She's truly blessed to have a kind human such as yourself to care for her.
My "wild bunch" sometimes will peek in the front door,but they like the great out doors. I wrapped the table on our deck with tarps,and laid down an old futon for them.The warmth from under our trailer goes into it,so it gets a little warmer then outside in the wind. I never thought of a heating pad.Hum?LOL! Bad enough my mate says I built my own "cat house"!LOL!
Keep up the good work,I'm sure Mama is warm enough,and if not,like a late feeding,she'll let you know.

Dec 16, 2009 you are great
by: kathy

I wish there were more people like you in the world.

Dec 16, 2009 Thank You!
by: Pat

Cathy, Thank you so much for taking care of mamma she looks so good I miss Her so much. I have 5 Cats Now I Know I'm Nuts Ha Ha But I Just Love Them.

Dec 15, 2009 To Cathy
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

You are a true gem when it comes to providing for Mama. Don't worry. If Mama gets tired of the cold, I am sure she will let you know. Just don't bet on it. Ferals love their freedom, even if it seems to be difficult in our eyes. Considering she comes to your door if breakfast is 'late,' that goes to show that she has identified with you as a caregiver of sorts. Give it time. If she wants more, she will let you know, but just let it be on her terms.

Four homes, eh? Wow...
for a feral, she's really a Queen! In cat-speak, she's probably thinking "What a gig! Why be cooped up? The lady's giving me everything I need! Ha! Ha!"

Dec 12, 2009 To Cathy
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

What a lovely kind person you must be !
It's not very often a feral cat has so much property ! lol
Seriously though, forcing Mama to come in your house could traumatise her and make her more nervous of you.Feral cats hate to be shut indoors,they feel trapped.You can sometimes persuade young ones with time and patience to come in, but not older ones very often.
You are doing a wonderful thing feeding Mama and you've provided plenty of shelter too for her which is what she needs if the weather is bad.
Feral cats are born with an extra layer of fur and can stand any amount of cold, but wet weather gets to them.
I know it's sad to see them outside,but it's the only life they know and trust.

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