Feral cats out in the cold…
by Milly & Snow White
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
Hi - this is Milly & Snow White speaking. We're happy to be well fed, safe and warm, but we know that some cats are less fortunate. Just because Milly was born with pedigree papers, or because Snow White was the one chosen at the shelter, doesn't mean that we don't care about other cats.
Especially our feral cousins have a hard time in the harsh winter weather. We know that a few goodhearted humans do what they can to help out and we feel truly grateful for every bit of food, shelter and medication the poor ferals receive. Many warm thanks to every one of you.
And the rest of you can help out too by making donations to your local cat welfare organizations, who work on many different levels. Feeding the ferals is a good thing, but it has to go hand in hand with a TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program to keep a balanced cat population.
Also make sure that the organization you hand your money does not kill cats or sell some of them for experiments. And needless to say, any organization dealing with the welfare of cats must be strongly opposed to the cruel declawing still allowed in some backward countries.
We send our Seasons Greetings to Michael and all the users of PoC, humans and cats, regulars and newcomers alike. And now we will claim the little extra our human promised us for submitting this...
Some thoughts from Michael on: Care for feral cats in cold temperatures
Milly & Snow White