Feral Mama Cat and Her Four Kittens
by Patricia
(Ontario, Canada)
Mama cat and four kittens set up house in our shed. Realizing that mama cat could have more kittens in the future we set out to “catch” them. Mama was friendly right off the bat and came to the door for food and water. She later brought up the kittens and three of them ventured inside to visit with the Cat of the house.
Napoleon was an inside cat, declawed on all four paws by the previous owners. All but one of the kittens were friendly over time and have been neutered along with mama.
One of the kittens had to be trapped in -27ºC weather to prevent it from freezing. She has been in the house since and we have not been able to become friends. She sees the others being petted and loved but never feels safe enough to join in.
She is mute and moves her mouth to meow but only air comes out. It has cost us over $2,000.00 to neuter the four cats that are willing to be petted. She never tries to get out even though the others come and go. We won’t let her out until she is neutered too…
All this to say – we took responsibility and neutered the strays, but what to do with Wee Baby? She shows some signs of stress – hair loss around her tail – and our intention was not to stress but to help. Can she live a happy life in a household while never being a part of it?