Few Sellers of Good Quality Persian Cats In India

by Neelofar

There are few people who sell good quality of Persian cats.

One I know is Mr Dhawan from Delhi as my friend got one from him and second Mrs.Singh from Mumbai.

Mrs Singh has good and pure qualities of cats.

They sell their cats in those houses where they feel their cats can get best.

I really like kittens and got one from them


Hi Neelofar... thanks for visiting. I would like you to tell us some more about Persian cats in India. Please leave a comment if you have time.

Are you the keeper of the Persian cat in the photograph? Do you have extreme Persian cats in India?

A well liked contributor to this website cares for two Persian cats - see Doll Faced Persian Matahari and Matata.

For me it is always nice to hear from India. We get quite a few visitors from India so it is useful for us in Europe and the USA to understand more of what goes on in the cat fancy in India.


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Few Sellers of Good Quality Persian Cats In India to Persian Cats

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Few Sellers of Good Quality Persian Cats In India

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Jul 17, 2010 few sellers of Good Quality Persian cats In India.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Hello neelofer, nice to read a blog from a local "Mumbaikar". thanks to site owner Michael for giving a reference to my traditional Persian cats "Matahari" and"Matata".The trouble in Inda is that there are no "Pedigree Vertificates" issued for cats unlike dogs, hence a particular cat cannot be classified to its true breed type by tracing it back to at least "3 Generations".
My Persian Queen "Matahari" is true to the "Traditional Persian " type, yet, sice she does not possess a "pedigree certificate" cannot be classified as a "Traditional persian Cat". I hope that with an increse in interest in keeping cats as pets among Indians , very convenient pets for "apartment living",a "Cats fanciers association" is established. Unless cats are officially registered for pedigree authenticity by "Pedigree certification", they are not legally classified as "Pure Bred".Its akin to a human qualified for a particular job but not holding a valid degree certificate for being appointed to the job.In India, all cats are non-registered, hence not applicable for ""international shows",despite being true to type and beautiful in appearance.Before breeding cats, i owned a prize winning smooth haired dachshund bitch ,"Lucky", that won numerous prizes at the "Indian.National.Kennel.Club" shows held in Mumbai during the 1980's and early 1990's.
I am just hoping that "cat shows" are organised in India, a stage where we "cat fanciers' can compete to improve the breed as well as a self-satisfaction of promoting a hobby.

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