Fewer Approved Drugs and Medications for Cats than for Dogs

Cat on drugs  - catnip!
Cat on drugs – catnip!
This is a stub in Wikipedia language meaning a very short post which can be extended by someone who knows more or who can find out more. One reason why there are fewer medications and drugs for cats than for dogs is the lack of financial incentive “for companies to go through FDA approval for cats”.

Note: I can’t think of a good explanation for that except this: the pet drug manufacturers don’t see a sufficient profit in a new product for cats but they appear to see one for dogs. This seems to support the AVMA data that cat owners take their cat to the vet too infrequently and considerable less frequently than dogs. Another sign of cat discrimination. There are plans in some clinics to make them more cat friendly because on reason resisting taking a cat to the vet is the upset that causes the cat and cat caretaker.

As a result of the relative sparsity of feline drugs, the standard cat medications are routinely used “off-label”, which in veterinary language means that they are not approved for use in cats. Surprised?

However, vets have learnt that these unapproved drugs can he effective in cats. Only good vets can prescribe drugs for cats.

  • Source: Page 553 of book 1 listed on this page
  • Note: cats are very sensitive to drugs and medications because they are deficient in a liver enzyme – glucuronidase transferase. This enzyme is important in the metabolism of drugs and medications.

12 thoughts on “Fewer Approved Drugs and Medications for Cats than for Dogs”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I know the feeling Michael, sometimes it seems a hopeless battle, but right will prevail, we WILL win it! Even so I feel outraged on behalf of all the cats who will suffer before that day comes.

  3. It’s time cats were recognised to be as important as dogs and hopefully when declawing is banned… and it WILL be…. maybe people will start to realise that and to respect cats more and to care for them as they should be cared for.

  4. I agree with you Cal, It be great wouldn’t it. They give so much love very unconditional without judgement. Thats how i feel about my Cats.

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