Fifteen Happy Cats

Fifteen Happy Cats

by Ruth



These are our friend/neighbour's fifteen rescue cats, the ones we built the cat run for.

Each cat has his/her own story. Some of the saddest being:

Gimpy was thrown on a fire;

Murphy was almost dead in a Pet Shop window;

Kizzy was doomed to death because he wasn't perfect to breed from;

Prozac had dead kittens inside her;

Some were starving strays, some abused and some were simply unwanted.

The first time we met them was when we were Cats Protection Volunteers and Sylvia had to go into hospital and had no one to look after them.

There were twelve at the time and she wrote us a list of their colours so we knew who was who, and their likes and dislikes. Since then we've got to know and love each cat well, more so since they moved next door and three more joined them.

It costs her a fortune in food and litter but they are her life.

How could anyone not love such beautiful cats ?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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Fifteen Happy Cats

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Jan 28, 2010 Fifteen Happy Cats
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

The picture shows a wide range of feline diversity - and each of these cats will have his or her own individual personality. Yes, they too have feelings and are sentient creatures, as discussed in the article 'What Does My Cat Think I Am?'.
At any rate they are our fellow beings on this earth, so shame on those who abused them in the past - and praise to Sylvia for taking good care of them now. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 27, 2010 Great picture man
by: Edward

How anyone could ill treat any cat is beyond me man.
Im pleased that those 15 cats ended up in a happy home.Such beautiful cats.
I wish all cats stories had happy endings man.

Jan 26, 2010 A little piece of heaven on earth for cats
by: Anonymous

Sylvia sounds lovely and I'm sure she makes the perfect neighbour with your shared love of cats.

As long as I live, I'll never understand how anyone could ever cause suffering to innocent creatures. Thank goodness those poor cats had Sylvia to turn to for help. It's fitting that after their sad start to life, that they have ended up living with someone who will lavish more care and attention on them than they have ever known.

We all love a happy ending, so thanks for sharing.

Michele (UK)

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