The Bill to ban declawing in New York State currently being debated and discussed is stuck in the committee stage at the Assembly and the Senate. This important Bill has been at this stage since last year and there are 14 days left in this legislative session. As I understand it, if the Bill does not proceed in this session, it will have to be restarted (and may therefore die) but I am prepared to be corrected on that aspect of the legislative process.

This news is disappointing to cat lovers and those who detest the declawing of cats. I have written about this important draft legislation before on several occasions full of hope that New York state would lead the way amongst the 50 states of America in banning declawing. Thus far eight American cities have done it and then the progress dried up.
We need the process of the cessation of declawing in the USA to continue and a ban across an entire state would be massive. It appears that the veterinarians have a stranglehold on their buddies in politics.
The vets (who are essentially businessmen and women) lobby their politician friends in government and voilà the ban fizzles out because of filibustering which is a term used to mean using delaying tactics to run a Bill into the long grass and bury it.
I may have jumped the gun and made a false presumption but it certainly looks like that. There was a lot of excitement and news about the NY Bill several months ago but the latest news is not good as far as I am concerned.
The veterinarians always insist that they should have the last word on whether the declawing operation is carried out or not. They say that they are the consummate professionals and will make a judgement about declawing in the interests of the cat. Bollocks to that! The don’t declaw in the interests of the cat. They declaw in the the interests of (a) their wallet and (b) the cat’s owner. Why don’t the politicians get this? Oh, I forgot, they do get it. They just don’t give a damn about cat welfare.
See PoC custom search on this topic and extended ancillary topics.
I don’t rely on illness. I don’t do TNR. I do this website to help promote cat welfare and to keep myself occupied. It does not make a profit. All my work is given free. So your argument is bunkum. Sorry. Have you got a mirror 🙂 Have a good look at yourself and ask: did I check the facts?
You said, “Vets rely on illness.”
How is this any different than YOU and every last TNR promoter who gets their money from blogging about and pleading for donations for injured, suffering, and dying cats?
Got a mirror handy? Learn to use it.
I’m in total agreement about Hospice Care for cats.
Even with humans, Hospice is in the business of expediating death. They are known to take away even crucial meds in order to make death happen.
I would never want the care of my seriously ill cat with anyone but me. It would kill me not to be there for them. But, if I were convinced that they were truly suffering, than euthanasia, in my presence, would be my choice.
I would never let one of my cats leave this world without being in my arms if I could help it.
M.E.King, The only way I do research is to go online. It’s the way I find most resources I need. Rarely, I get information word of mouth, but even that isn’t reliable.
Can you tell me why you don’t advocate going online? It’s the source of nearly all information amassed over time.
How do you do research? I did mine at the library before the Internet, but the world if full of conflicting information that’s necessary to sift through. The Internet speeds the process. I’m so thankful I don’t have to do research the hard way. And, this is in addition to my extensive cat library of books.
Understand completely, Sandra. And, hope that BrightHaven will be where Mitzy gets the help she needs for her mouth.
I, mistakenly, made the assumption that she was in liver failure because she was on Lactulose which is it’s primary purpose. But, like so many drugs, Lactulose has a few secondary uses such as being a stool softener/laxative, although my opinion is that it can be too harsh for a cat.
The best of luck to Mitzy.