First Steps with Cats

First Steps with Cats

by Michael
(London UK)

My first encounter with a cat - perhaps

My first encounter with a cat - perhaps

My first steps with cats. Here is a picture that I would like to share with my friends and colleagues on PoC of me with perhaps my first encounter with a cat. And it is a classic mackerel tabby British Shorthair moggie - totally appropriate I think.

The classic or mackerel tabby is very mainstream England especially in about 1950 when the photograph was taken.

I am wearing clothes knitted by my mother. That was the way after the second World War.

I am about 2 years of age or less. I cannot remember this encounter. I guess that is to be expected.

The picture came to light at my father's funeral yesterday 28th Jan 2010. It was a good funeral if funerals can be described as good.

My mother loved cats but it is more than that for me. I love nature and cats represent nature to me. I can be near it and hold it through a domestic cat.

This is the suggested philosophy behind some exotic breeds such as the Bengal or Toyger. The idea being that you live with an exotic cat that looks like a miniature wild cat, which makes you more alert to the needs of the wild cat.

But frankly I don't think that works. I don't see it working. It is more an excuse for some to breed the cat.

I just like to be near animals that act naturally and are predicable.

So this is a photo of my first steps with cats. Now I must make this site the best for cats.

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First Steps with Cats

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Feb 04, 2010 how cute

I love this picture. It reminds me of the old pictures in my grannys album. You definitly had a way with cats. My son tends to have the animal touch more than I do. Thanks for sharing that photo.

Jan 31, 2010 Finn
by: Dorothy

I can't wait to hear about Alice. Do tell.....


Jan 31, 2010 First Steps with Cats
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Michael. So sorry to hear about the death of your father - please accept my condolances.

The picture shows you had a way with cats from early on, as she obviously enjoyed talking to you. It's a wonderful shot and I can imagine all the feelings running through your head when you found it.
It actually inspired me to search through some old photos too, so soon I'll tell the story of Alice, the favourite cat of my childhood. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 30, 2010 Thanks
by: Michael

My sincere thanks to everyone who has commented, all so thoughtfully.

Michael Avatar

Jan 29, 2010 First step with cats.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Sincere condolences Michael and thanks to your chilhood photograph, we all have rekindled our memories of a bygone era of childhood, the age of innocence.Ultimately, death is inevitable to all of us, till then make living a pleasure for us humans as well as our pets.
Rudolph avatar

Jan 29, 2010 My condolences
by: Barbara

I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your bereavement Michael, particularly hard coming so soon after losing your Mother.

What a legacy you have, empathy and love for animals and the determination to go the extra mile to really make a difference for cats.

I think your parents will be proud of you, and what a credit you are to their parenting.

That photo is a treasure, you can see that the cat actually wants to be stroked, I think the attraction was mutual.

Jan 29, 2010 So sorry
by: Ruth

Michael I'm so sorry to hear about your father, it's not long since you lost your mother too is it ! I'm sure both your parents are very proud of you and watching over you right now and in my opinion you already have made this site the best for cats.
That's a lovely photo for you to treasure.
Take care.
R.I.P your parents

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 29, 2010 Young Michael
by: Dorothy

Little Michael is so sweet. Thank you for sharing this photo.

Not that you are a true orphan, your work with cats is even more pointed, you think?

I appreciate all you do here for our furry friends. My condolences on the passing of your father.

Best wishes for a long and happy life for you and your critters.

How is Timmy by the way? I loved a post you wrote about him from way back in February of last year I think, but I wasn't able to post. It seemed like a different forum. You recently posted a picture of him 'spaced out' on Catnip, so I know he is still about. Another fine rescue.


Jan 29, 2010 First Steps
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Why Michael, you look so enamored by this wonderous cat! No wonder you do such great work on behalf of cats!

My condolences on your dad's passing; however, your parents introduced you to the wonderful world of cats and now the world is a better place for cats.

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