Five cents to animal charity for every comment throughout October 2020

Cat soliciting meow
Please comment :). Photo in public domain.

I want to restart a scheme that I ran a long time ago. Every comment that a visitor makes is worth five cents to an animal charity. The total will be added up at the end of October. The person who makes the best comment (as judged by me can) decides which charity is to receive the donation. It’s a straightforward as that. Why am I doing it? Simple: I want more comments. Comments have dried up and I would like more engagement because I value the thoughts of visitors. It helps to add to the website and it helps me as well to better understand all the nuances of the cat world.

PoC comment scheme
PoC comment scheme

There is a wealth of information among cat owners who visit the Internet. Please share it. It is also one way of rewarding and motivating me. I’ve been doing this for over 13 years, every day. Like anybody else I need motivation. I don’t ask for any money and never have done for the information that I provide. The adverts don’t make much money so comments will please me. Let me hear from you. If it works out I’ll do the same again for November. You can start commenting immediately if you like!

PoC has donated many thousands of dollars to animal charities over the years. The site is essentially a charitable website. It is a non-profit website. Everything is done for charitable purposes in one way or the other.

4 thoughts on “Five cents to animal charity for every comment throughout October 2020”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I am pleased to have just discovered your site through the Good News Network. Cats are a vital part of my existence creating love and happiness that I cannot live without. My most sincere, loving and kind friends on this earth, are cats. Thank you for provided a site where ideas can be exchanged and we can go beyond “normal” medicine to treat our cats. I regularly use alternative, less harmful treatments such as diatomaceous earth for worms and colloidal silver for many ailments. I will begin to share my gathered information here.

  3. You have been a great inspiration to many cat caregivers, and I really love all that you do for cats and their communities. I love this “contest” and hope it brings lots of comments for the kitties’ sake. I plan to share as often as I can (I have not been spending much time online lately.) and wish you the best!

    P.S. The best charity is Stray Cats Outreach in McCormick, SC, USA. At least that is my opinion. Sydney has been a fantastic help to thousands of cats over the years and finally got her charity status not too long ago. Two thumbs up for her and her very supportive husband! (

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