by Elisa Black-Taylor
Flea products for cats would seem like an easy search to conduct on the internet. After all, there are literally hundreds to choose from. Each product claiming to rid your beloved cat of every flea from head to tail.
I remember back in the day when all a cat lover had to choose from was a flea collar or flea powder. The collar could easily choke a cat if it becomes entangled in anything. And the powder-DON’T even go there! It smelled as though you were putting fertilizer on your cat.
Then along came the flea sprays, then the spot treatments and the pills that kill fleas from the inside out.
Of course the problem with flea powders and sprays is a certain amount of risk if the cat ingests the poison while grooming.
Selamectin, the primary ingredient in the spot treatment Revolution, has been shown to have serious side effect in some cats. A simple Google search for “selamectin dangers” informs you as to the health risks associated with this drug. Yet those who use it swear by it’s effectiveness and say their cats never suffered any ill effects. The same holds true with other flea spot treatments such as Frontline and Advantage.
Be sure not to confuse Advantage with Advantix as the latter is toxic to cats.
Spot treatments should be placed at the back of the neck where cats aren’t likely to lick it off. I’m really not sure there’s a spot on a cat that can’t be groomed by a cat whether it be from licking or using the front paws.
Doing my research of flea products led me to this page and I’d like to share it with you. It compares the many products on the market and tells what it does and whether for a cat or dog. It’s an easy chart to understand and also has a website address in case more information is needed.
There’s also an oral medication to kill fleas. One popular brand, Capstar, is taken in pill or liquid form and a small amount of the drug enters the cats bloodstream. This kills the fleas within so many hours and also kills any eggs that may be laid before the flea dies (link).
I found a great Advantage kit on Amazon that’s ideal for cat/dog families or with cats of different weights as you can adjust the dose. I also found a generic for Capstar. Below are the links to these products. I hope these prices are low enough so everyone can afford to treat their pets this summer.
Methoprene is an insecticide found in BioSpot products that acts as a growth inhibitor towards fleas. This is one other option to consider in the fight against fleas.
We use a lot of diatomaceous earth to kill fleas among my cats. Make sure to use the food grade and not the regular. I also read diatomaceous earth is used to kill bedbugs. I order mine from a site called MoreThanAlive and transfer it from a clear bag into a shaker. Just be sure not to allow the cat to breathe in the dust and be sure to dust the bedding. Since this is also used as a de-wormer it won’t harm the cat if licked off.
I’ve also sprayed a 50/50 mixture of raw apple cider vinegar and water on my cats to deter fleas. The odor will eventually get to you and you’ll tire of your cat smelling like a salad. Unfortunately most flea products that actually WORK don’t smell very nice.
I hope I’ve given all of you some valuable information on flea control. When I addressed this question to my friends on Facebook I received all kinds of reactions. This is poisonous, no that’s poisonous. Use this, not that. I still have a free-for-all discussion going on my page as I write this.
So readers, please comment on how you control fleas on YOUR cats and how long you’ve been using a product. Also let everyone know if there’s an inexpensive product that works and can be found at stores such as PetSmart or Petco. That way we can all get a little more educated on what’s best for our cats without bankrupting our wallets.
Learning what’s best for our cats is the reason we’re on in the first place.
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That’s interesting Gina. Can you tell me more?
It certainly depends where you reside. In Florida, fleas have become immune to Frontline and Advantage. They shouldn’t even be allowed to be sold in Florida