Hello kitty lovers! My name is Garfield. I am a two year-old neutered declawed male tabby cat, who lives in the south of the good ole USA – in the Central Florida area.
No matter how hard I try to figure out the reason why my guardian bestowed that moniker on me, I continue to be at a loss for an answer to my burning question. My appearance and purrsonality doesn’t at all resemble that of the iconic cartoon character who was created by artist Jim Davis in 1978.
The breed of the original Garfield was an Exotic Shorthair. While my intelligence is on an equal or superior to his, I am far from “exotic”. I am just a kick back mixed-breed kitty who enjoys basking indoors in the sun, stretching out in the spacious window seat that my guardian prepared especially for me.
Unlike the “other Garfield”, I am neither lazy nor cynical, nor do I make hasty and nasty judgments of others in the manner for which he was famous. But we do have something very much in common (besides being felines). We are both passionate “foodies”.
And while he is vastly overweight, maybe even considered to be obese by those in the “know”, I am a slim, trim, muscularly built “hotty”. Let me tell you folks, I am beautiful beyond description.
Since the “other” Garfield was born in Mamma Leone’s Italian restaurant I can readily understand why he so greatly enjoyed chowing down on a plate topped high with lasagna. But since I was born in very simple surroundings in Florida, I far prefer dining on a delicious and nutritious can of species appropriate cat food which my guardian carefully prepares for my meals. My favorite flavors are chicken, turkey or beef. In fact, I may be one of the only kitties in the world that can truthfully brag about purring at the same time that I am polishing off my dinner.
Now I am sure by now that you all are wondering why I am taking so much time to introduce myself. You see, the “other” Garfield still continues to enjoy sharing himself in the homes of countless people who adore him. However, at the present time I am desperately in need a new and permanent loving home.
My guardian has become extremely ill. He suffers from Congestive, Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Since he has difficulty breathing, his doctor informed him that he must quickly find a new home for me. He loves me deeply and is very upset about having to have me re-homed. Sadly however,he didn’t listen to his friend’s poignant pleas not to have me declawed. Obviously, as a result I am relegated to being an indoor-only kitty.
I am extremely affectionate, easy going, love people and am very playful. Even though I have been an “only” kitty, with some patience and understanding I bet I would enjoy sharing a home that has other cats. And in spite of being declawed I still use my litter box with no problems at all.
So if any of you readers are able to open your home to me, or you know someone who can, it would be more than greatly appreciated, since you guys know a lot about kitties it would make me feel very safe and secure.
Just leave a comment or let Michael Broad know about of your interest, and we can then proceed to work out plans for transportation and any necessary logistics.
Thanks for listening!
P.S. I don’t bite!
Thanks, Jo.
So happy to hear that.
Thanks Jo, that’s good news, I’m just glad that I don’t have to think of Vincent stuck in a cage without hope, any more.
I think the cats who can’t be caught and helped or gently PTS for their own sake, prefer to revert to true wildness and go off somewhere to hole up and die.
I think that Nature takes over, they sort of ‘switch off’ and wait for their release.
It’s sad to think of a cat dying alone but I do think truly wild cats prefer it that way.