How typical is this – the police of Freeport, Florida totally ignoring a blatant act of cat cruelty in broad daylight in front of two witnesses? A man walks up to an outdoor cat that was being looked after by two people, who I will presume are ladies, and fires two shots at the cat. The second shot was to the cat’s head to ensure the cat was killed. The man is a local resident. The ladies begged him to stop to no avail. It is simply a case of wanton cat cruelty of the worst kind. The man said he had shot the wrong cat. It seems very bizarre to me.

The bizarre became the absurd when the police did nothing about it and declared to the ladies who had made a complaint that “no criminal act was noted.”
Thus, the police considered a case of obvious animal cruelty, and a felony (a serious crime) under the criminal law, as perfectly legal and not a crime. This is turning the law upside down. It is not as if the prospect of a successful conviction is slim because of a lack of evidence. The police have all the evidence they need. This would be an almost guaranteed conviction.
If the police don’t arrest and charge people who are clearly engaged in criminal behavior it undermines the fabric of society as far as I am concerned. The rule of law is thrown out of the window and we have anarchy.
Is this a typical attitude of the police in respect of cat cruelty crimes? Elisa Black-Taylor who writes for PoC is constantly bringing to our attention stories that indicate to me that the police have a disdain for the domestic cat that prevents them carrying out their duties.
Police officers are under an obligation to behave to a high standard, which includes acting impartially and not introducing bias, preferences and personal attitudes into their work.
I sense that some police officers support the shooting of cats. In short, they are cat haters and dog lovers. It is a very crude, instinctive and uncivilised way to live.
Good police work requires a high degree of self-discipline and ethical behavior. None of these qualities were demonstrated by the Freeport police in their investigation of this crime.
What is disturbing is that the man who shot the cat seems to have believed that he could get away with it. If he thought that, it is because he is correct.
Bring it on, Woody. You’re a bright guy. Back up your statements with documentation.
Here Dee, I’ll do it for you. (It’s so much easier to make false accusations against others than checking first to see if you are a lying, manipulative, and deceptive person, isn’t it.)
Results for zoning Freeport, Florida
“Property is zoned as rural village.”
I suggest you reconsider just what religion you might be practicing when you continuously and directly disobey the commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
Woody seems to have time on his hands. Perhaps he would like to prove that Bayshore Drive is not residential.
He says he lives in an area with no zonings or facsimile, I presume. So, where he lives is uncivilized. AN ADDED PEICE TO THE PUZZLE of what is wrong with him!
Although easy to do, I’m not going to spend time verifying that Bayshore Drive Freeport, Florida is a residential community and zoned as such. All accounts of the incident contain the words “neighborhood, neighbors, residents, etc”.
I don’t have the sightest doubt that the shooting was in a zoned residential community. And, it is DAMN ILLEGAL to shoot in a neighborhood!