

by Nida
(Athens Greece)

We woke up one morning and heard a kitten crying in the garden. We rushed out and found Fluffy, a skeleton of a cat.

According to the vet he was about 2 months old and had not eaten for several weeks. He told us that he was probably a NFC. We pampered him like a baby for 4 weeks and he survived. He is now 11 years old and weighs 12 kilos!!

Fluffy opens the cupboard where we keep his food to let us know that he is hungry and joins us in the shower if we forget to close the bathroom door.

Of course he sleeps with us under the covers and uses a pillow to sleep just like us. He also likes to sleep on his back with all four paws in the air during the hot summers in Greece.

We have noticed how friendly he is with all other animals and how faithful he is to us. Also he is a very talkative cat. We are so happy to have him, he has changed our life. No comparison to other stray cats we have owned.


Hi Nida.... Fluffy looks beautiful in your photograph, a nice photograph by the way.

He looks very Norwegian Forest Cat. And I love your loving story of bringing Fluffy back to health and comfort.

Thanks for sharing.

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Jun 04, 2010
hes beautiful
by: kathy

I'll bet its a pleasure to cuddle up with this beautiful boy at night. Hes great and such a lovely picture. He truly is lucky to have found you.

May 24, 2010
Great looking Fluffy
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Nida. Since you found him as a stray, most likely your Fluffy is a mixed breed, but I agree he has the looks of a Norwegian. His triangular face and expression very much points in that direction. If you look at the picture of purebred NFC Milly in my article 'How tabby cats got their "M" marking', he could just as well be her brother...
Whether he actually has NFC roots or something else is impossible to tell. A while ago we saw another Athenian semi-longhair (search for Stenia's page 'Is This Cat A Somali'), and there seems to be some naturally occuring longhair genes present in the common cat population of the Eastern Mediterranean area.
Anyway, saving him from feral life was a great luck for all. From what you tell he sees himself as center of the family as elder cats often do. And 11 years is not old at all for a cat like him and he may well live to be 20. I hope he does - he is a special one indeed. 😉

May 23, 2010
by: Tracey (England)

Fluffy is a beautiful cat, how awful that he had such a bad start to his life but how wonderful that he found you.

I just don't know how anyone can ignore a starving animal. Others must have seen him and ignored him.

I'm a great believer in fate and I think it was fate when he found you.

He doesn't look 12 so heres to many more happy years for him.

May 23, 2010
by: Ruth

Nida, Fluffy is a really handsome boy.What a lovely photo !
It was his lucky day when you rescued him and yours too as he obviously gives you so much love in return.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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