by Ruth
Poster by Ruth
If only the people who believe laser declawing is humane had to try it for themselves first, the declawing of cats would immediately stop.
Thanks to the Internet and to the people who are determined that the truth about the cruelty of declawing will be available to everyone, that truth is spreading across the USA and Canada where declawing has been performed routinely for many years now.
Thousands of people who believed the operation was merely the removal of the indoor cat’s uneccessary claws are finding out that not only is it the amputation of the cats last toe joints, but also that claws are far from unnecessary for indoor cats, that in fact they are essential to all cats whether indoor or outdoor, for their health and welfare.
People who thought that claws were only for self defence are shocked to discover that they are also for walking the way a cat needs to walk and for digging in to exercise the muscles as a cat needs to, to keep those muscles healthy and strong.
Those reasons are the main ones but a cat also uses his claws to mark his territory, to groom and keep his body temperature right and of course to play as a cat loves to play by hooking a toy with his front claws and giving it a good kick with his rear paws.
Declawing means taking a cats toe ends/claws from him and this causes not only unpleasant physical problems such as litter box avoidance and defensive biting, it also causes mental problems such as depression etc.
Unfortunately now that people are learning this truth, the declaw vets are trying to convince them that laser declawing is much more humane. They make videos of how much less bleeding declawing by laser causes and how much quicker the wounds heal and how soon the cat is up and about again. They don’t make follow up videos of later when the problems from the amputation of the cats toe ends begin. Because YES, laser declawing is just as much the amputation of the cats toe ends as declawing by any other method. The problems from laser declawing are exactly the same as by any other method. In fact there are more but we don’t see videos of the cats suffering with scorched flesh from the laser beam being misdirected.
Yes, laser surgery is preferable to other methods of surgery for ESSENTIAL surgery, but not for convenience surgery. Laser surgery is convenience cosmetic surgery which some people choose to have done to themselves on various parts of their bodies but in the case of cat declawing the patient has no say.
Vets surely have a duty to put the welfare of their patients before the making of money from the premeditated abuse of declawing. They can’t argue that declawing keeps cats in their homes, because it’s now well known that it does NOT.
They need to EDUCATE not MUTILATE and they need to admit that any client who even after education about the cruelty of declawing and the many alternatives to it will only have an adapted cat in their home is an unfit person to have a cat.
Vets in other civilised countries do not declaw cats, it’s high time that the American and Canadian vets who do declaw joined them in keeping to their oath to cause no animal to suffer.