Forget Grumpy Cat – Loki Looks So Angry She Could Pass for a Vampire

This is the “vampire cat”. She’s the most evil looking feline on the internet. Actually she is a tabby cat with a slight deformity of the face and other health problems. She was adopted from a shelter. Kate (“Kaet’) her caretaker uploaded the pictures of her cat to Instagram. “I’m not sure, when I adopted her from the shelter they didn’t give me many details about her looks”, she said.

Vampire Cat Loki and Kaet
Vampire Cat Loki and ‘Kaet’
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki
Vampire Cat Loki

The difficult truth (and I don’t want to spoil the fun) is that nearly all the celebrity cats, and Loki is the latest to go viral, have deformities of their skeleton which gives them their unusual appearance. Lil BUB has a facial deformity and Grumpy Cat is a dwarf cat and also has a mild facial deformity which has made her owner rich. The “Always Surprised Cat” also has some sort of deformity as far as I know.

The question that pops into the mind is whether we as humans should be entertained by deformed cats who happen to look amusing to us. Would we do the same thing if these cats were humans? Sorry to ask this question. It is too serious.

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4 thoughts on “Forget Grumpy Cat – Loki Looks So Angry She Could Pass for a Vampire”

  1. I find poor Loki to be, possibly, close to trouble.
    When my very emaciated and suffering Toby entered my life about 8 months ago, he had fangs exactly like Loki’s. They had punctured his lower lip/mouth so badly that he couldn’t eat because of the pain. Once those fangs were extracted, he became a different boy. He went from 5# to his robust 9# today. And, from disagreeable to very loving.

  2. I get why you phrased the headline that way, Michael. I have no doubt other sites did much worse calling her satanic and vampiric.

    I don’t like that aspect either. Maybe I’m wrong, but if we wouldn’t treat a disabled human that way then we have no business treating a disabled animal like that either.

  3. Serbella, I agree. I deliberately jazzed up the title just like all the other sites do for almost any subject. You have to to get hits. My personal opinion is she looks just fine and nice. I’d never brand her evil.

    I have strong feelings about these celebrity cats with physical deformities. For me they should be cared for like any other cat and not be branded grumpy or evil. I don’t like this aspect of human behaviour. It is disrespectful.

  4. I dunno, maybe I’m twisted, but Loki doesn’t look evil to me. Reminds me of what Ringo Starr said when a reporter asked him why he frowned so much: “It’s me face!” My first impulse would be to take her to a vet and see if her condition is causing her pain and if it could be corrected.

    I feel the same way about Lil’ Bub, Grumpy, and the rest. Sometimes I wonder about the quality of life of these animals. Poor little Grumpy looked absolutely miserable in that vid you posted elsewhere on the site, Michael. Creeping across the floor like that and hiding is not a good sign.

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