I wrote about Joe Exotic years ago (link) and discovered then that he was the owner of America’s largest private zoo (another link). He is obsessed with big cats and he said that the tiger would be extinct in the wild in the not too distant future. Well, he is certainly contributing to that prediction because he’s been accused of killing five tigers to make cage space for other big cats.
It’s reported that big cat bones were recently dug up at the site of Joe Exotic’s animal park which is now under new ownership.
He has also been accused of illegally selling a two-week old baby lion cub, a baby lemur, lions and tigers. Recently I wrote about another accusation thrown at him namely that he conspired to kill the owner of Big Cat Rescue, Carole Baskin, who is critical of him and rightly so. He is currently going through the courts on that charge.
WMUR TV’s Twitter feed led me to this story. It reads “Joe exotic shot, killed endangered animals to make room for other cats”.
Officials: ‘Joe Exotic’ shot, killed endangered animals to make room for other cats https://t.co/FVwP3h0Abc pic.twitter.com/7fvWYbWrDd
— WMUR TV (@WMUR9) November 8, 2018
He now faces substantial fines and a prison sentence if convicted on the new charges of violating the Endangered Species Act in addition to, no doubt, further wildlife-related violations.
Mr Exotic has been criticised by Carole Baskin for operating “one of the most notorious cub petting roadside zoos in the country”.
Exotic appears to have been enraged by Carole Baskin and is on record as saying:
“For Carole and all of her friends that are watching out there, if you think for one minute I was not before, I am the most dangerous exotic animal owner on this planet right now….”
Comment on this news – this is valid and I entitled to comment as journalists are in hard copy newspapers such as The Times
Yes, Joe Exotic is a very dangerous, narcissistic person. He is a very bad person and a complete fraud in running a private zoo with aspirations at conservation but, in truth, the man is a nasty animal abuser and exploiter. He does nothing for conservation, quite the opposite in fact, and I for one hopes he is convicted and severely punished.
Carole Baskin made the point that if the federal government did its job in protecting exotic animals in the first place then nasty individuals like Joe Exotic wouldn’t be around to threaten people like herself. There is the argument that there are too many private zoos in America. There are more tigers in private zoos in America than there are in the wild on the planet. There is a need for regulations to severely curb and restrict private zoos to stop the abuse of big cats and their cubs.
Thanks – I have just asked to join.
I’ll read up on this. Thanks Michele.
Thanks Michele. Hope you are well.
For detailed information on Petter, Fur Ever Wild (Petter’s former fur farm), and Joe please join our FB group Opponents of Fur Ever Wild. Wolves and Warriors (sanctuary that rescued some of Petter’s wolves) is a great TV show that aired on Animal Planet. Episodes 7 and 8 of season one detailed more of Petter’s cruelty and abuse including selling fox faces in a basket for $5 at a sportsmen’s show and where she brought animals to exhibit, including one that was so allegedly drugged it was on it’s back unconcious. One of the veterans from LARC went undercover there and it is shown that one of Petter’s assiciates sold him a full wolf pelt and told him to keep quiet and not to tell anyone. The above was all caught on the tv show and is not rumor or heresay.
If anyone is interested in getting more information on both Joe and Petter/Petter’s former fur farm/slaughterhouse masquerading as an educational fun petting zoo please join our FB group Opponents of Fur Ever Wild.
He also allegedly colluded with the notorious fur farm/slaughterhouse owner Terri Petter to allegedly hide 63 wolves in violation of a federal court order for her to relinquish the wolves. Petter will be tried for violating the Endangered Species Act in March. She is not permitted to exhibit or own any more wolves currently. Joe released the wolves to LARC wolf sanctuary in CA allegedly to avoid charges for this offense as shown on the TV show Wolves and Warriors. It is believed that he was going to return the wolves to Petter so she could start up her horror show somewhere else.