In this article “fostering out your cat” means handing over your cat to someone else for a period of time that is longer than, for example, a typical holiday. In other words longer than 2 weeks. The sort of fosterer would be a “non-professional” or a person not affiliated to a cat rescue organisation. When would you do this? There are a number of possibilities.
A classic occasion is when you do serious building work on your home. This causes lots of disruption and you may have to move out for while. This is bad for you and worse for your cat. If you rent while your home is being done up the terms of the rental agreement may prohibit cats. Under these circumstances it might be better for your cat if he was looked after by someone you trust while your home is refurbished.

Can you totally trust your friend or colleague to hand your cat back when you ask? If there is any doubt, I would advise entering into a formal agreement for peace of mind. If the Mahoneys had entered into an agreement in writing with the foster carer of their cat, Frankie, they would not have lost him to Mrs Allan.
The Mahoneys wanted to refurbish their home. They had to move out, rent a place and put their cat into foster care. The verbal agreement was that the foster carer, Mrs Allan, an elderly lady, was to look after their cat and then hand him back when they were able to move back into their house.
Mrs Allan for reasons only known to herself decided to keep Frankie. The Mahoney’s couldn’t get her to change her mind. It went to court and a judge decided Mrs Allan could keep Frankie even though she did not own Frankie. We don’t have the full facts. The judge must have decided that ownership transferred from the Mahoneys to Mrs Allan based on what was said and the facts before him.
In order to avoid such a heartbreaking situation the best thing to do is to sign up to a very simple and straightforward agreement. If the foster carer won’t sign it, it might be wise to find someone else.
Here is a sample agreement. All you have to do it to copy it and paste it into a Word document or some other similar software, print it out, fill in the blanks and present it to your proposed cat foster carer for signature. It needs to be signed.
Note: this sort of thing – the inadvertent transference of ownership is more likely to happen when a cat is looked after for months. I would doubt it could happen over a period of a couple of weeks. Hence I would only recommend an agreement in true foster carer situations.
Simple written agreements are very powerful ways to ensure clarity in a situation that can become muddy. Agreements prevent bad behavior. Don’t be frightened in using them. The certainty they create is reassuring and above all best for your cat in this instance. I realise it might put people off but I really do believe that people should be more open to such things.
This is the draft agreement. Feel free to amend it but be careful. I am not saying an agreement is essential, just a good idea under certain circumstances.
This is an agreement governing the foster care of…………………..(“the cat”)
(1) The owner of the cat…………………………..(“the owner”)
(2) The foster carer……………………………….. (“the foster carer”)
Duration of foster care: From………………………..To……………………………… (“the agreed period”)
The parties agree the following:
- This agreement is concerned with the ownership of the cat before, during and after the agreed period.
- This agreement can only be amended or altered in writing signed by the parties.
- The parties are free to agree terms relating to expenses and other relevant terms outside of this agreement.
- The parties have agreed that the foster carer will take care of the cat for the owner for the agreed period.
- The parties agree that throughout the agreed period the cat will remain the property of the owner. There shall be no transference of title in the cat at any time before, during or after the agreed period from the owner to the foster carer or anyone else.
- At the end of the agreed period the foster carer shall return the cat to the owner.
…………………………………………………the owner
…………………………………………………the foster carer
I wonder how long Frankie was with Mrs Allan, it may have been a good while as it takes a while to refurbish a house. I can’t help wondering why the Mahoneys didn’t rent somewhere they could take their cat with them, he had to be out of his own home anyway so why in a strange home with a strange person instead of with his family?
I’m not saying Mrs Allan did right but she had probably got fond of Frankie and he’d have settled with her so I can see her logic in wanting to keep him.
Yes a written agreement really is essential in that situation so that both the owner and the fosterer are clear on their agreement.