Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary founder and sole owner and operator, a gutsy, determined and committed women, Laurie Zaleski, vents her anger at the unknown person who secretively abandoned 21 cats outside her cat sanctuary. She is right to do it. This is the sort of person I admire. Not a lot of people can do what she is doing in helping unwanted cats and saving lives. The cats were dumped just outside the view of her security cameras. It seems that the person who did it knew about the cameras and deliberately avoided being filmed. This is quite commonplace.
A lot of people who acquire a large number of cats feel the need to abandon them at a cat shelter anonymously. Laurie has described it as a felony which is a serious crime in the United States. Her cat shelter/sanctuary is in New Jersey so perhaps it is a serious crime in New Jersey. It certainly is in her opinion. I’ll let you look at the video which I think is instructive and very useful. Please leave a Facebook comment in the box below the video if you would like to express your opinion on this commonplace problem in the cat rescue world.
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