Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

by Dorothy
(Central Coast of California)

Ole blue eyes

Ole blue eyes

Hello POC friends. I didn't think a website called "Pictures of Cats" would be complete without a picture of Frank.

This is my good friend GG's cat, Frank Sinatra. You can see how he got his name. He is both beautiful to look at, and delightful to know. He was a stray who found his way to GG along with the other four strays that live with her now.

There are always others coming and going, as she has set up a very safe and user-friendly atrium for the comings and goings of the cat population of her neighborhood. She put an old bookcase in there, with bedding on each shelf, and sometimes you see the different cats curled up enjoying the warm shelter and the always full cat dish.

Frank is one of the sweetest cats I've ever met. GG was out of town a while ago, and it was my job to check in on the animals (she has three dogs too) while the house sitter was away during the day. It was raining pretty hard one afternoon when I came by, and as I was playing with the dogs, I noticed Frank sitting on the patio, without shelter getting drenched. I was worried something was wrong. I went out and picked him up, brought him in and as soon as I started towel drying him, he purred and pranced and was obviously fine. I couldn't figure out why he would do that? Maybe a protest that GG was away.

Isn't he beautiful? He's a lucky cat!


Frank Sinatra to Moggie Cats

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Frank Sinatra

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Jan 12, 2010
If only he could tell us
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

With such a friendly temperament he must have been with humans before. And those blue eyes are among the most beautiful I've ever seen. I agree with Rudolf - how could anybody ever let him go? If only he could tell us his story...

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 12, 2010
by: Jan Plant

Ol' Blue eyes himself! Love those eyes! What a lucky boy to have found such caring humans as yourselves.

Jan 12, 2010
Frank Sinatra
by: Ruth

Yes Frank is very beautiful ! What a brilliant choice of name for him lol

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 12, 2010
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

"Ole Blue Eyes" would definitely be happy to see his namesake, a real beautiful specimen.Having been a addictive reader and contributor to "Pictures of Cats" i find it hard to believe such beautiful cats being either abandoned or euthanised in Western and the "Developed World" of "Cat Fanciers".
Rudolph avatar

Jan 11, 2010
by: Michael

Ole Blue Eyes could pass for a purebred cat. He looks very refined and in good health.

Meow us a nice melody..go on..

Michael Avatar

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