Someone else called Franky Mills ‘scum’ but they are right. He is that. Worse than that actually. He has seriously hurt cats and the lives of the families with whom the cats lived. The cats he attacked are family members. We know that.
Update the next day — I have read that Franky Mills drove a vehicle in which there was another person who was doing the shooting. As he was an active accomplice this does not alter the criminality of his behavior.

I just think it is useful to look at the sort of crappy person who enjoys hurting and killing domestic cats. It is also good to name and shame. Not all websites show this apology of a human being. The world needs to see him and revile him for what he is.
He looks cocky and confident. The photos were presumably taken near the court after or before the conviction. Obviously he has no remorse. You would not expect it from this sort of person who is emotionally stunted.
Mills pleaded guilty to shooting at and hurting seven cats one of which had to be euthanised. He probably hurt more than this number.
The attacks were sadistic and violent. PETA had offered a £2,000 reward. Mills has been convicted and will be sentenced on the 17th February where I hope the cats’ owners will have the opportunity to read out victim statements. It may help the judge or magistrate to apply the highest punishment under the law.

Coco lost her eye. She came home trailing blood. He left eye was smashed to pulp. She was rushed to an emergency vet who removed her eye. The pellet had lodged at the back of her left ear.

Mills was not acting alone it seems to me. A neighbour saw a transit van with three people in it get out of the van and pick up a shot cat, Ruby, and threw her into bushes. Ruby had been shot in the spine and was put down. I presume that she was lying where she was shot, unable to move, so the crimimals tried to hide her in bushes. Ruby was five years old and the caretaker said she found it very hard to tell her son that she had been killed.
Please punish him to the max…
These crimes took place in the county of Surrey, England.
I’d love to put the barrel up his arse and pull the trigger >:(
🙂 I want worse than that…
May he spend an eternity in hell cleaning out litter boxes.
I feel the same way and no need to apologise Frances. Try and stay optimistic. I deleted one comment. It was from a cat hater and they support scum like Franky Mills.
Frances Formiller Danna · Wayne State University
So much cruelty to animals. This is insane. I hope that Franky Mills gets the maximum penalty. He should get a penalty for every cat and animal that he has harmed. I am not a cruel person, but thngs are so out of hand with these animal abusers. They should remove his eyes. He will never be able to torture another animal again. Sorry, but I am at my limit. 🙁