by Michael
Cat Clipart provided by Stockxpert
Update Oct 2017: Doesn't time fly! This page was written around 7 years ago. Most of the links are still good. Here is a new one:
Classroom Clipart. - basic cat clipart.
Below is a series of links to free cat clipart. A lot of clipart is not free. In fact most of it isn't. I have been to a large number of sites and these are the only free ones that I could find (there are, though, more). The use of the images is royalty free too. These links open to a new window so please look for the new tab if a tab opens, thanks:-
***Deviant Art
This is one of the best places to find high quality images of any sort. The link takes you to some clipart on cats. The quality is high as I said. Please read the rules. I personally find the rules of this site almost unintelligible. But I believe that the images are free for download. There is an option to sign up, which may allow a premium service and to upload your own images.
Ready-to-Use Old-Fashioned Cat Illustrations (Dover Clip-Art Series) This is a book! Enjoy. All the images would seem to be copyright free due to lapse of time but check before buying the book.
Public domain cat clipart
Well once again it is hard to tell whether the stuff is copyright free or not. I am sure that this is a perennial fear for some people. This is a fine website. She has public domain images on it. This means through lapse of time the images have lost copyright protection. The linked page contains cat images and the page file is titled "public domain" so I presume they are free clipart of cats. Please provide a link back to this site though if you use the images.
Right away, I'm going to cheat a bit, sorry.This website has top quality clipart including tons of cat clipart but it is not free. That said it is not expensive either at under a one US dollar per image (if buying 20 credits). You register, buy some credits and select and download. It is all pretty painless and I would recommend it as an excellent source. Images are royalty on...
Update Feb 2010: Stockxpert has been bought out or merged with iStockphoto. The images are still excellent but the price is much higher per image. There are some cheap images but these are the unpopular ones whereas in the past all were good value - bad news I am afraid but still a good source of cat clipart. iStockphoto
More free clipart on cats (this link not longer works sorry)
How does this site work? Well the clip art is free. The clipart is not great though. It cannot, it seems to me, be downloaded for your own archive, which means to be resold (my guess). But this is common throughout all the sites unless images are in the public domain.
The Wisdom of Cats: 28 Original Images to Mail, Share, and Cherish (Postcard Book) Perhaps not quite cat clipart but something very similar and in book form. You never no you might like this.
This link goes straight to the cat clipart page. There is some good stuff here, three pages of it and some is animated. The big question is, can I download it? It is downloadable and there is nothing that I can see that forbids it so I have decided it is OK. There is no charge.
Ace-clipart - link broken Oct 2012
This is genuinely free clipart. The site owner requires that you provide a link back to his/her site if you use the cat clipart. The terms of use vary from image to image. Some may stipulate non-commercial use, for example. Please read the terms carefully and comply.
Cat Silhouette
This is one picture of a black cat and it's entirely free to do as you please with it.
Cat clipart
Here are some (a limited number and all the same style but nice looking) free cat clipart images for download. Yep, this looks entirely free. The site doesn't let you leave by going back to where you came from so you have to close the tab. I don't like that.
Webshots (link broken 2012 Dec 2012)
This is one (yes one!) image that is not even true clipart but it is a cat and it can be downloaded. It's a mixture of photographic image and artwork - nice and someone might find a use for it.
Creative Commons Search
I think I'll let you do the searching on this one but this link takes you direct to the search page for the creative commons website. Just type in "cat clipart" into the search box. Below the box are a series of tabs which take you to the search results from those locations or search engines. Just explore. Creative commons as you might know is a type of user license in which the author of the work (in this case clipart) grants users a limited license to use the work. There are different types of creative commons license. These are the licenses:
-- Attribution License
-- Attribution-NoDerivs License
-- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
-- Attribution-NonCommercial License
-- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
-- Attribution-ShareAlike License
You can see what they mean and the symbols on this page of FLickr: Creative Commons Flickr
Clipart from i-love-cats
The next place where you can get free cat clipart is on the i-love-cats website. They ask that you provide a link back to their site in "payment". They have strict terms of use but they are free. Mind you I am not sure if they actually retain copyright over these images as they appear not to tell us where they came from. Are they the authors of these works? I doubt it. Therefore I suspect that their terms of use are invalid.
More clipart on ca ts
Another place where you can get free cat clipart is on the xmission site who are another competitor of this website! They have conditions as to use of course, which are essentially no hot-linking and use on non-commercial sites only provided the images are unaltered. This seems very reasonable.
Free clipart of cats
This website is called free cat clipart and all they want is a link back. So there you go. Only I am not sure the art is that great.
The best quality artwork comes from DeviantArt, no doubt but read those damn rules...
Well, the ones that interested me seems to be working just fine! Thanks! 🙂
Pleasure. I bet some of these links are busted because the page was written 6 years ago.
Thanks for these links. Definitely a fun list to work with. 🙂
soooooo.cute irealy love cats.