Free Father’s Day Pet Cards Featuring Furby

Furby Card

Furby Card

I've got the Free Father's Day Pet cards online. My chip with all the pictures of Furby mysteriously got lost and I think he made it disappear. So I didn't use but one of his newest photos. I have a lot of other cats I've loved over the years. I already had them saved to the computer. Furby was on the external hard drive that hasn't turned back up yet. He's sneaky enough to have done it.

I even have some dog cards. Also a goat. And chickens.

Here's the links. I post to both sites to get more exposure. What can I say. I love to show all of my previous angels off. The chihuahua belongs to my neighbor and the huskey is my dog Cody. All of the cats except the white ones belonged to me at one time or another. Several are the ferals I fed.

Free Father's Day Cards

Father's Day Pet Cards

If you have a man in your life whose "child" is a cat or dog, I have cards to send him too. Feel free to pass the links to the cards to your friends. They're free. Just click on the card you want and then right click and save it. I have "2010" discreetly place on each card. My mother got me into that habit. To always put the year so dad will know what year he received the card.

I have to do something to pass the time or I'd go nuts. I think Furby is glad I'm done because he slept in my lap all afternoon yesterday.

He's stayed out of trouble all week. He must be up to something because that's never happened.

I hope everyone enjoys the new cards

For links to all the Furby stories on please go to his webpage at


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