This is a nice infographic on free-living cats who have been ear-tipped (or notched) under a TNR program. I like it and it is the first time I have seen one of these. All cat lovers know what ear-tipping and TNR are but not everyone knows about these things. A nicely prepared infographic sums it up. There is an interesting debate about how to describe feral cats. The designer of the image calls them free-roaming or free-living. Interesting. It is a positive spin and God knows the feral cat deserves a positive spin because they are often heavily criticised.
I believe the creator of the infographic is Herman Benson but I am not sure. I like the way he says that free-roaming cats are a benefit to the neighborhood. They are but most people don’t see it that way. Perhaps if they weren’t there they would understand because they’d probably be problems with rats et cetera. Free-roaming cats have been around so long (since the first domestic cats in fact, 10k yrs ago) that they are part of the ecosystem. We should think very carefully before disturbing it.
I have seen some brutal ear-tipping with about one-third of the ear flap snipped off. I find that strange as TNR is carried out with a love of cats so to then take off too much of the ear is incongruous.
You know what? I forgot about human stupidity? Never mind the hole getting snagged on something, I can see some moron putting earrings on a cat.
I believe the ear tipping is considered safer for the cats. A punched hole could easily get caught up on something and might result in the ear being torn.
A punched hole might also give people the idea that it’s okay to pierce cats’ ears so they can wear jewellery.
Try that crap with me and mine and I will put you six feet under, Woody. Go take your meds, dude. You’re psychotic.