Full medical history of elderly shelter cat is REVEALING

"Feather" gone but never forgotten
“Feather” gone but never forgotten. Sadly, I think she will be forgotten. It seems the shelter could have done better but the medial notes are amazing for amount of treatment she received. Image: MikeB based on an FB photo.

Be prepared for a long and chaotic read! Sorry but that is how it is presented. It is unusual, it seems to me, for the full medical history of a shelter cat to be published online on social media which is what occurred with respect to an elderly female cat named ‘Feather’. Her right ear flap was missing, and she had the usual URI. But the mood of the shelter post was initial positive. It gradually went downhill and the criticism by a commentor on Facebook is that the shelter performed a spaying operation on this elderly cat which perhaps could have waited until he health improved. It exacerbated her anorexia it seems, and she lost weight from 6 pounds to 4.7 pounds in the shelter’s care as I read the notes.

I can’t find in the notes a record of her death. It must be in there somewhere and it must have been by euthanasia. Please tell me if you can find it. A tweet on the case said:


One commentor, Shelia Shawdon, said: “I just read her entire medical report from when she came in until she died. That poor girl. I am so sorry that you were not given the appropriate treatment. She went from a fair to poor prognosis after surgery and she wasn’t given her antibiotics or meds for 6 days. They forgot to give this girl medication for 6 days?! She went from being social and curious to withdrawn and hurting in the back of her cage. I don’t think I am reading this report incorrectly. She was failed by the people who tried to save her. It’s so effing heart-breaking. Rest In Peace, pretty girl. ❤️🌈🐈”

The extensive medical notes. I am not sure that they are in time order but they are interesting to people who are involved in cat shelters and observers like me.


*SHELTER PLEA* Birds of a FEATHER flock together! This abandoned cat is a show-stopper and PROUD of it! Let us know if you can help her! Adoption Summary:

What my friends at ACC say about me:

Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy!

I love getting pets and – you guessed it – snuggles!

I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. Feather is a delightful kitty over at the Care Center where she is patiently waiting for her forever family. She is curious and very engaged with all that’s going on at the Care Center. Feather peeks her head around trying to get a better glimpse of what is happening. We can just see her being endlessly entertained by a window! In addition to her inquisitive nature, Feather is always especially happy for treats and snacks. We know she will be a wonderful addition to your family.

Manhattan Center

Feather 158081

4Y ❤ Stray ❤ Female ❤ 6 lbs.

Hello, my name is Feather. My animal id is #158081. I am a desexed female tri color cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 10 years 3 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 11/9/2022.

Feather needs emergency placement for her severe upper respiratory infection. She is not eating and losing weight despite supportive care. She has warmed up to staff while in shelter and now leans into pets. She needs more individualized care to help her overcome her infection. This could be in a veterinary practice or as an out-patient under the supervision of a local veterinarian.

Let’s get to know each other a bit more…
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information.

Feather needs emergency placement for her severe upper respiratory infection. She is not eating and losing weight despite supportive care. She has warmed up to staff while in the shelter and now leans into pets. She needs more individualized care to help her overcome her infection. This could be in a veterinary practice or as an out-patient under the supervision of a local veterinarian.

What my friends at ACC say about me:
Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy!
I love getting pets and – you guessed it – snuggles!
I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe.
Please check here for updated adoption hours.

A volunteer writes: Feather is a delightful kitty over at the Care Center where she is patiently waiting for her forever family. She is curious and very engaged with all that’s going on at the Care Center. Feather peeks her head around trying to get a better glimpse of what is happening. We can just see her being endlessly entertained by a window! In addition to her inquisitive nature, Feather is always especially happy for treats and snacks. We know she will be a wonderful addition to your family.

My medical notes are…
Weight: 4.7 lbs

Vet Notes
Medical Assistant

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 4 to 7 years

Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative

History: Stray

Subjective: BAR

Observed Behavior – Tense body for exam. Hissed and moved open mouth towards staff hands. Attempted to flee. Sedated to finish exam.

Evidence of Cruelty seen – No

Evidence of Trauma seen – No

P = 160
BCS 5/9

EENT: Crinkled pinna onscures right eat canal but black debris visible in external canal. Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Fractured tips of lower canines. Moderate tartar
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Female intact
MSI: Yellow mucus on haired perineum (No vulvar discharge and urine clear when abdomen palpated). Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, few matts in hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Rectal: WNL externally

FAST abd u/s: Small bladder with anechoic contents. Uterus does not appear distended.

Ear mites
Crinkled right r/o prior aural hematoma
Dental disease stage 1/4
Fractured teeth

Prognosis: Fair to good

Sedated with Dexdomitor 0.5mg/ml 0.2 ml + Butorphanol 10 mg/ml 0.2 ml IM
Intake tasks
Wiped ears
Tresaderm 6 drops AU
Selamectin 45mg topical
Antisedan 0.16 ml IM

Okay for surgery


Feather was cold and sluggish when she came back to the shelter last night. She was transported to an ER for overnight care. She received a fluid bolus and rewarming, and is doing well this morning.

She had a pyometra so we will start her on antibiotics: Clavamox 0.7 ml PO BID x7 days



Hx: On rounds this morning noted curled up at back of kennel. Allows some handling, but resented exam of mouth. Has hx of lethargy following pyometra surgery

T: 104.4
QAR in kennel, prolonged skin tent
eyes clear, mild epiphora OU, no ocular or nasal dc apparent
eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated, but mild audible congestion and sniffling
generalized muscle wastage
mentation dull


move to isolation
cbc/chem in house

100ml sc LRS today then 50ml sc LRS SID x2d
cerenia 0.2ml sc SID x3d
Vitamin B12 1000mcg/ml 0.25ml sc once
fortiflora 1 packet PO SID x7d

monitor for improvement in appetite


CBC massive increase in neutrophils with left shift

When reviewing record post pyometra was started on oral clavamox drops, but location of cat was not updated from outside vet care.
bringing down to medical and starting clavamox drops
if eating


Not eating
placing IV catheter and starting injectable antibiotics
unasyn 30mg/ml 1.7ml diluted to 10ml slow IV BID x3d


Hx of pyometra spay on 11/20 was started on clavamox and onsior however did not receive medications. Brought to medical yesterday for not eating, pyrexia and neutrophilia with left shift. Started on unasyn and IVFT.
Not eating overnight, QAR, no reports of v/d/c/s

T: 102.7F
QAR, prolonged skin turgor, slightly tacky mm
EENT: . Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted, crinkled pinna, clean AU
Oral Exam: adult dentition. Moderate tartar, pale pink/slightly tacky
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: soft, Non painful, no masses palpated
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, few matts in hair coat, spay incision healing well, no swelling, discharge or bruising
CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities

7 days post pyometra
neutrophilia with left shift
pyrexia- resolved

continue unasyn 30mg/kg IV TID and IVFT 75ml/kg/d
add on mirataz SID x 3 days if not eating


S: Tense at back of kennel, seems depressed. Allowed me to move her to the front for exam without struggling, but pushed my hands away from an oral exam.

O: Depressed, withdrawn. Estimated 5% dehydrated.
Temp 101. Unremarkable HR and RR.
-AD cartilage scarred down, mild black waxy discharge visible in canal. AS clean. No visible ocular or nasal discharge.
-Sniffling, sneezing
-Abd soft, not distended
-No vulvar discharge or mammary masses

1. Hx pyometra, spayed 11/20, abx started 6 days later (11/26)
2. URI
3. Depressed, withdrawn – R/O pain vs. peritonitis vs. URI
4. Dehydrated
5. Hx fever – resolved
6. Hx aural hematoma, appears resolved but there is discharge in the canal today

1. Continue Unasyn, Cerenia, Mirataz, IV LRS
2. Add Onsior x3 days
3. Clean AD well



Hx post-op infection – appears to be resolved. URI, anorexia. Currently on Unasyn (through today), Mirataz, IVF, robenacoxib.

S: Tense body, seems very withdrawn, pulled away from me when I did my exam

O: QAR-H, MMs pink
EENT: Thick grey mucus in the caudal mouth, yellow crusts covering nose. Clean eyes. AD cartilage scarred down, mild waxy black discharge visible in canal.
H/L: Sniffling. No sneezing, eupnic.
Abd: Tucked up, but soft
M/S/I: IVC in place

1. URI, depressed and withdrawn. Oral discharge R/O oral ulcers vs. oral pain vs. other.
2. Hx pyometra, spayed 11/20, abx started 11/26
3. Hx aural hematoma, appears resolved but there is discharge in the canal today

1. Zorbium 0.4 mg topically today
2. Magic Mouthwash 0.25 ml on teeth and tongue BID x5 days
3. Clavamox 11/30-12/3, will likely pull IVC tomorrow
4. Doxycycline 0.5 ml PO SID x7 days
5. Fortiflora 1 sachet on food PO SID x7 days
6. Little Remedies 1 drop in each nostril BID x3 days



Hx: In medical on treatment for severe URI with oral ulceration and decreased appetite

BAR, allows all handling. Slightly more energetic today
eyes clear, yellow mucoid nasal dc crusted on nasal planum
very reluctant to allow for oral examination
eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated
ambulatory x4, generalized muscle wastage
mentation alert and appropriate

oral ulceration

suspect zorbium dose was not given
starting simbadol injectable 0.3ml sc SID x3d
100ml sc LRS SID x3d
cerenia 0.2ml sc SID x3d


QAR. Pet leans into pets but resists oral exam. Food dishes disturbed but unclear if ate. Pet gingerly laps up water with tongue. Pet urinated in box.

EEN: Wet nasal congestion. No ocular or nasal discharge.
Resp: Eupneic
MSI: BCS 2/9 Decreased skin turgor. Ambul x 4

A: Anorexia/hyporexia
Possible oral ulceration

Prognosis: Poor. WE will see if appetite improves with additional supportive care today.

c/w SQF, simbadol, cerenia, doxycycline
Mirtazapine 1.5 inch strip on left pinna sid x 5d


BAR, leans into pets but resists oral exam. Urinated in box. Food dishes untouched

EEN: Dried green discharge on nasal planum. Eyes clear
RESP: Increased inspiratory effort and upper airway noise
MSI: BCS 2/9 Decreased skin turgor

Pet is brighter and better hydrated but still anorexic.


Prognosis: Poor

Entyce 30mg/ml 0.3 ml po sid x 5 days
cancel mirtazapine, fortiflora
extend simbadol to 12/6
Advise emergency placement for nebulization, SQ or IV fluid therapy +/- anti viral medication.


Issue List:
– post op pyometra OHE with post op complications
– appears older than originally estimated (10-14 years)
– anorexia for many days
– cachexia
– right ear scarred down

eent- IAOU; dry nasal mucoid discharge
hl- 200hr reg
abd- relaxed
msi- cachexia; amb x 4; generalized muscle wasting
neuro- nsf

geriatric feline with URI, anorexia, cachexia
prognosis guarded to poor

If unable to recover appetite, consider EHR


Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed at offsite vet.
Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision.
Medical records in Vet Documents.

Give 1 tablet of Onsior 6 mg PO SID for 2 days for pain management starting day after surgery.

Details on my behavior are…
Behavior Condition: 4. Orange

Behavior History
Behavior Assessment
Feather was brought into BRC while wrapped in a blanket, she had a sot body while in the lobby and allowed all handling.

KNOWN HISTORY:: Feather was brought in as a stray, there is no known information on her behavior history in a home environment except that at intake Feather was brought into BRC while wrapped in a blanket, she had a sot body while in the lobby and allowed all handling.

Chirps when spoken softly to and engages the front upon approach. Loose body with tail high. Head bunts the hand when petted and appreciates attention. Social throughout the interaction.


VOCAL:: Somewhat chatty

CHARACTER TYPE: : Curious,Sweet,Calm

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: New home adjustment period


BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Feather was resting upon approach. When spoken softly to she engages the front with loose body tail high. Head bunts and body leans against the hand throughout the interaction. Seems comfortable while receiving attention. During pick up she grumbled but after placing her back down, she continues to tolerate more petting and attention.

Feather interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. This cat is showing behavior appropriate for cat parents with either an average amount of cat experience or demonstrate a basic understanding of typical cat behavior.

1 thought on “Full medical history of elderly shelter cat is REVEALING”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Poor Feather they let her suffer and die. This wasn’t a “Shelter” it was a death house! 🙁

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