This is a video about cats stealing bits of pizza. It is quite funny, if that like this sort of video. What is interesting is that the comments are almost universally serious 😉 . Quite a few remark on the potentially toxic ingredients in pizza from the cat’s standpoint. Then there is the problem of a cat’s paws depositing bacteria on the pizza which is half-eaten. Will the person continue eating it and ingest bacteria? Some people believe that cats should not eat in close proximity to humans when they are eating for fear of disease transmission et cetera. Whereas others think people are being overly concerned when they are nervous about cats eating human food with their human caretaker.
A more rough and ready attitude is taken by an Eastern European who says she has always fed her cats human food and they have always lived to 15-years-of-age (unless killed in a car accident!).
Toxoplasmosis rears its ugly head again. One said there was a risk of the person being infected with toxoplasmosis. Someone noticed that the video maker in one section says “No” to their cat after he has let the cat grab the food! A bit late. He could have prevented it. He wouldn’t because he wanted to video the “theft”.
Here are extracts from a selection of comments:
- “I know this is really cute – but you have to remember that garlic (in the sauce) and onions (on the pie) are actually toxic to cats. it harms their kidneys.”
- “Seriously, don’t do that. I work with animals, and we get pets in all the time dying of things they should not eat. Some don’t die, they just suffer in pain, and cats are very good at hiding that pain. Please don’t do it.”
- “I suggest you stop them before you get a seriously ill cat. when they die this way it’s bad. i just held one that died of kidney failure the other day. it was not pretty. keep them away from things that can hurt them.”
- “Kinda disgusting if you think about it, most cats use the littler box and cover the “leavings” using their front paws…”
- “I didn’t see anyone taking the pizza from the kitties and eating it so not exactly disgusting…”
- “Why do people even have cats that close to where you are eating anyway…that is gross…you can get very ill from a cat scratch.”
- “To all, who did not enjoy it! It was for fun and I had a great laugh ! Coming from eastern country, we fed all animals with left overs.”
- “Perhaps you might want to investigate the effects of toxoplasmosis in humans from having dirty kitty claw germs around your eating areas. It can land you in ICU. not too cute for you.”
- “Letting get your food and then you say NO!! crazy people!”
I’m like you Albert. There is a lot of common sense in what you state. We have to apply common sense and thoughtfulness to our cat caretaking rather than sticking dogmatically to rules which are not always correct.
Nice comment Albert. I agree.
I mis-spoke. “most of it has been REPLACED BY, shall we say, better info.