Gabriel is learning to watch me work rather than help me – thank God (cat photo)

Gabriel and me in bed on computer
Gabriel and me in bed on computer. Photo by Michael

For the technically-minded, this is the same photo but embedded from Flickr to show the slight difference in quality. The server at Flickr is more capable and presents images with more detail. Also WordPress tends to reprocess the images which removes a little bit of detail.

When I show these photographs of me and Gabriel I am painfully aware that I’m also showing people a bit of my apartment and how I live, which to some people may seem a bit strange. Perhaps it is a bit strange 😉 .

The reason why I am wearing a scarf in bed is to keep myself a little bit warmer during these chilly days.

Whenever I look at myself in photographs that I’ve taken of Gabriel, but in which I appear, I always look fatter than I think I am which says quite a lot about how I think about myself (dreaming!) 😉 . I’ve just been down to the gym on a rowing machine and I rowed hard for half an hour to get rid of some of that damn fat which I hate. I was raised on boarding school food so I like the wrong sort of food.

Gabriel is very cute in this photo. He asked to be in this exact position. he climbed up and plonked down. He watched me working on the computer from that position for a while. I typed the preceding article with him watching me. It slowed me down somewhat.

Once again the photo was taken blind. Fortunately he is centered nicely.

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