Gabriel on the Cat Condo – cute or what? (photo)

Just took this one and he looks innocent and cute again, as usual. He is not quite as innocent as he looks 😉

I used a telephoto focal length to allow me to keep about ten feet away from him. It also cleaned up the background by only showing the outdoor foliage.

If I had approached him, he’d probably have moved or jumped down. I needed to capture the moment and didn’t want to do anything which might spoil it.

25 thoughts on “Gabriel on the Cat Condo – cute or what? (photo)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. hi that’s so cute. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. Am in Process of Shifting on the Weekend so I been rather Busy Packing. Cats are OK, they have worked out whats happening with all the boxes and things. I’m not feeling great having to keep behind two Cats which my Ex will look after. Its still abit of a loss as I rescued them but I know they will be well looked after as they boss have a special bond with him. Once I’m settled I will come back to comment again. Best of Luck with Kitty he’s so beautiful 🙂

  3. Gabriel gets more handsome every day and sounds a real character, I bet you couldn’t imagine life without him now 😉

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