Gabriel Peekaboo (photo)

I blame Ruth for encouraging me to publish another photograph of him 😉 .

Gabriel Peekaboo
Gabriel Peekaboo

He was wandering around behind my desk while I was working and peered over the edge. The photo was taken with an iPhone 4s. He is beginning to explore a bit without me needing to entice him out. When I came home today having been away for about 3 hours, I called him and he gingerly emerged about ten minutes later.

The slightest sound outside and he dives for cover. He is in hiding again as I write this.

13 thoughts on “Gabriel Peekaboo (photo)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks Michele. I like photographing him but he is difficult to photograph. Firstly, he becomes active in the evening when there is no daylight. Then he does not like the camera pointing at him. Shall I go on… 😉 When I can get him in my sights he is photogenic.

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