40 thoughts on “Gabriel Portrait. I am becoming boring ;)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I have used Metacam on a couple of my kids but it was under the order of a feline specialist, whom I trust very much. Do not want to use it over 3 days.

  3. He had his last dose just before leaving the shelter. I think its a drug you have to be careful with. I’m sleep texting now but I wrote for you awhile back about a three pill pain killer given once a day. We’ve used it with every spay and with Jaspers neuter because he took it harder than the other boys. Also Sealy was on a liquid narcotic and handled it well but we did choose to wean him off bit by bit. Shelters may use metacam because they always have or it could be preferred drug of shelter vet.

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