He’s grown. No surprise. Especially with the quality of the food he is getting 😉 . Perhaps he’ll become a fussy eater? I can’t not give him the best. The lady who runs the rescue organisation who arranged for me to foster Gabriel says his siblings (2) are smaller than Gabriel. That made me feel good.
Gabriel likes little holes and caves to explore and lie in. He likes to be under the duvet next to me. It is warm I guess which is good in England in winter. He can stay there for longer than I can tolerate it. For a long time he slept under the bed. The bed has a storage area under it and the whole thing rises up on a pneumatic piston device. He used to crawl through a hole to get to the storage area. He is too large for the hole so for his safety I blocked it up. He now sleeps on top of the chest of drawers.
He likes to be picked up now and cuddled. He likes the warmth and he thinks it is a good chance to play; meaning he nibbles my arm.
DW, I presume that handsome man is your hubbie 😉 .
Dee, he almost looks solid red but he is a tabby as far as I remember.
He looks so red in this picture.
Dw, my friend, there appears to be something above your upper lip.
Kidding. LOL!
You are spot on Dee. I have never had a kid. I wish I had. I am watchful as to what he can break. He is a bit of a destroyer.
I always though leather sofas were improved by a few cat scratches. They look more lived in 😉 .