An slightly ethereal photo of Gabriel under in the bed with me. It is Photoshopped to a certain extent to remove me 😉 – I was lying next to him . Also it is converted to B&W and I added a bit of blur to the background areas.
Gabriel likes to join me in bed when I get in. He stays for a while and then jumps off and messes around for a bit before settling down on the chest of drawers on top of my clothes where he sleeps for most of the night.
Hello Caroline, sadly we had to say goodbye to Jozef and Walter, they were old and ill, although thanks to our wonderful vet, Walter had 3 more happy years after he was diagnosed with diabetes, despite those who said UK vets don’t know how to treat it! It’s a tragedy that cats lives are so short in comparison to ours. I haven’t written for PoC for a long time now and don’t visit much as I am so busy with the anti declaw quest. We are making progress with some vets giving up and some cities banning declawing but we have a long long way to go yet. If you are on facebook our group is The International Coalition Against Declawing. I hope you are well, I miss the old days here too x