Gahan: My Lovely British Longhair

Gahan: My Lovely British Longhair

by Soline



Hi Michael, Let me introduce Gahan, my gorgeous 5 month old British Longhair. He is named after my favourite British singer and his black fur does look a little rock'n'roll indeed!

Obviously he's not shorthair but I didn't know where else to put his picture. He's not even a British Longhair actually since his mum is a Scottish Longhair and his dad a British Longhair: here in France he's officially called Highland Straight!

I live in a smallish 4th floor flat and I originally thought I'd never be able make a cat happy... Then I discovered this lovely breed and their ability to adapt to indoor life. I obviously hope I'll be able to offer him more space one day soon but I must say that he's adapted wonderfully. I do try very hard to provide him with as much attention and as many games as possible though!

He's been here with me for 2 months now and when he first got here it took him approximately one hour to feel at home... He's so easy going! I couldn't have dreamt of a lovelier cat. Gahan loves cuddles, he loves to play and he loves anyone who'll enter the flat: he's incredibly sociable.

I can't believe how lucky I am to have found my 'Dark Prince'!


Read and see some more about the British Longhair Cat

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Gahan: My Lovely British Longhair

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Aug 11, 2011
by: Michael

Hi Soline. It is nice to hear from France. Gahan looks a very impressive cat.

It sounds like he is much better behaved that human British judging by the riots (August 2011) that have just taken place in London and elsewhere.

Thanks for visiting and showing us your beautiful boy. I love the way he looks; confident, laid back and handsome.

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