The Gastonian man is Charles and he makes a nice feral cat condo; a cosy winter abode for the vulnerable feral cat in winter. It is that time of year when our hearts, which may have been hardened over years of battling the injustices of life, should, for a while, become soft and tender.
Our gaze should turn to the particularly vulnerable if we love cats and there is no more vulnerable cat than the feral cat in an icy winter in the USA. You get some very cold winters in parts of the USA. I wonder how many die in the winter from cold?
If you live within a stone’s throw or a cat walk from Gastonia, NC then give Charles a call on: 704-867-7040
Single house $40. Multiple: $65
All are insulated with foam insulation board. Hinge shingle roof for easy cleaning.
Associated page: If you are “handy” you might try building one yourself.
The house we made has a metal roof and overhang for shade. The inside ceiling and walls are all insulated. I went to Habitat for Humanity (that has construction recycle) and got 3 rectangular windows so they get light and can look out. The door has a window as well. Hardy Board is very durable, far more life than plywood or regular wood and you don’t have to paint it. It’s hard as plastic and just as dense. I’m in Florida so it withstands the summer temps as well as rain, and cold. It’s an amazing product for building these types of projects. Oh and although they use the yard inside the run as a litter box (which I scoop several times a week), I still put a litter box inside and put indoor outdoor turf carpet on the inside floor so they on go only inside the litter box when inside. It works marvelously and they just love it!