Gay Cats!
by Michael
There are gay cats! The percentage of gay cats to heterosexual cats is the same as for the human population. Is this a bizarre and crazy concept? Maybe. I don’t know. Why should sexual orientation be confined to the human?
I would just like to discuss and seek input on the well known fact that some cats prefer male human companions and some cats prefer female human companions. We might notice that our cat prefers the wife to the husband. Sometimes we don’t recognise this as a sexual orientation issue.
I have read stories of a women saying that her cat dislikes her boyfriend. It can be serious enough to break up a relationship.
Some cats do show strong preferences for one person in a family. Sometimes a particular cat might even be frightened of say the women and show a fondness for the man (or the other way around). That can be disturbing for the person who is disliked! It can create a point of conflict within the human to human relationship. If that relationship is fragile it can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I cannot see a cat actively disliking or being frightened of a person in a home if that cat was raised properly and the person behaved properly.
But if the cat is a rescue cat he might have had a nasty experience with his previous “owner”. If that person was say a man, he might be fearful of men. That sounds simplistic and probably is but it must happen.
But I wonder if some cats simply have a preference for a human of a certain sex. Cats look at us as cat parents. If a cat is technically gay he may prefer the husband or boyfriend!
Crazy thoughts..maybe not.
🙂 – thanks for sharing. I don’t know if cats can be gay. It would seem to be perfectly possible.
My gay cat loves it!!! when I stimulate his prostate! Is he gay? I think so!!