Get $10 off Cat Declawing

Get $10 off Cat Declawing

by MIchael

Get $10 off Cat Declawing..Come on in madam..Don’t worry, your cat will only feel a little bit of discomfort and be as right as rain in no time…or put your cat through hell for your convenience. It depends how enlightened you are as a cat caretaker.

This is about Dr Michael Sergent DVM APC who I presume owns the EL NORTE VETERINARY CLINIC. Well done doctor. We can’t trust you because you are in breach of your oath as a veterinary surgeon.

declaw cat coupon

This is the link:

Go on, contact him and tell him what you think of him but be polite while seething inside.

The good doctor (are vets doctors?) is one of those American vets who promotes declawing by giving out coupons. For him declawing a cat – mutilating a cat for the convenience of the owner – is no different to selling cat food. In my opinion he is not fit to be a vet and he would be arrested in the England for animal cruelty.



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Get $10 off Cat Declawing

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Jan 10, 2012
It got confusing NEW
by: Leah England

I agree with your comment Michael. When you were organising the St Louis event I emailed Peta if you remember to see if they were planning to highlight declawing and what if anything they were ever going to do about it. They emailed me back to state they were organising a demonstration, I clicked on the link and it was your demo!!

I told you about it as I couldn’t understand it!

Makes me kinda wonder why Peta have never done their bit.

Jan 10, 2012
Correct NEW
by: Michael

The last comment is correct, sadly. There are millions of people who dislike declawing but there are more people who either don’t care to think about it, or approve it. This is why it exists in the USA. People are happy to discuss it and decry it on the internet but won’t take uncomfortable action to get rid of it. It will take more than internet chat to get rid of it. It is a case of big business running the country and people being unable through apathy to change that. This happens everywhere.

Jan 05, 2012
Americans do something NEW
by: Anonymous

Michael organised that demo at St Louis last year to which over 400 Americans signed up to attend but not one did!

A few animal welfare campaigners from START took it on.

It’s been argued the 400 didn’t realise it wasn’t an on line demo but how come that when hotels and strategy were talked about for months before?

Declawing will go on as long as American people allow it to!

Jan 05, 2012
Horrible man! NEW
by: Maggie

What a disgusting man that vet is! I would love to see him declawed, that way he’d have no fingers left to declaw anyone else!

He should have his veterinary license taken off him. I bet he’s the kind of vet who also discounts tail docking, ear cropping and devocalisation.

I hope people considering to take advantage of this coupon read the comments on this article, and reconsider declawing their cats, and using this vet. He should be boycotted, don’t put money into his fat, cruel greedy pockets.

Jan 05, 2012
So different NEW
by: Ruth

Yes I saw your article on terrorism Elisa but I didn’t comment as I know nothing about things like that, it’s so different in our country.

Declawing seems to be all about profit and not animal welfare, something else I don’t understand as our vets have never declawed, they know it’s cruel. So the vets there who do it must know too yet they get away with it and breaking their oath, because it’s legal to amputate cats toe ends.

I agree you need paper petitions, you need people out there in every town gathering them, we in other countries can’t help you there.

Thanks for your compliments about my posters, I hope they help educate, anyone is welcome to use them any time.

Jan 04, 2012
be careful
by: Elisa

Cutting into a vets profits by protest can now be seen as an act of terrorism by the FBI. The US government can detain you without charge for an indefinite period under the new laws. Ruth, your posters are the best way to fight. Quit wasting your time and breath on the vets. Its a money maker and they were taught the procedure in vet school. So they either don’t see or care their doing something wrong. Send real petitions-NOT online ones- to state leaders. Anything else is a waste.

Jan 04, 2012
Another vet who cares more for money than his patients
by: Michele S.

Thanks for alerting us on this one Michael. I’ve just e-mailed a polite message expressing how disappointed I am that a vet (with all their knowledge of feline anatomy) would promote a cruel and unnecessary amputation. I’ve urged them to make it their resolution for 2012 to educate their clients on the many humane alternatives to declawing.

Do you know what always puzzles me? Why don’t vets ever seem to sell scratching posts/blocks? I know a lot of them can’t afford to have a behaviourist on call, but vet clinics could work with local shelters offering a service where someone visits the client at home and shows them how to teach their cat claw manners. They could charge a nominal fee for this and the money could be split between the vet and the shelter. I’m sure that there are enough anti-declaw cat lovers in every town in North America who would happily volunteer for such a scheme.

Jan 04, 2012
Saw on facebook
by: Leah England

I believe I saw this on facebook so I emailed the surgery and asked if they would stop declawing in 2012. I also told them they were in breach of the AVMA guidelines and that they were crippling unspoilt kittens and cats. Oh of course I wanted to say so much more most of it very unpolite!

Guess what? no email response! so now I’ll leave a comment.

To the lady who had her cat declawed please comment on here again in the future and tell people what a terrible mistake you made because you’re right its like having no arms in a bad neighbourhood! Thank God you saved her but very very sad you had this done on the first place.

Heaven knows I worry about my cats all the time and of course I live in UK so they are clawed. Declawing is something a lot of UK people have never even heard of and believe me they are shocked to the core when I tell them! They can’t grasp that this is lawful! Most say something to the effect of ‘my God why would they do that? How does the cat defend himself?’

Jan 04, 2012
Hurry up cat people
by: Anonymous

He’s saying hurry up cat people you only have until January 17th to get your cat mutilated cheaper.
How disgusting that is!
Any doctor who needs to fill his bank account that way isn’t fit to practice veterinary medicine.
The country is over run with unwanted cats and it would be more ethical and kind to get real and advertise discounts on neutering.
The CAT is your client doctor, NOT the idiots who you persuade to hand their pets over into your ‘care’

Jan 04, 2012
Good on you for exposing this creep
by: Angel O

A creep who advertises discounts on cruel surgery is not worthy of any respect.
Everyone should email him AND boycott his clinic.
It’s the only way he will get the message loud and clear that declawing is legalised abuse and we know that he knows it!

Jan 04, 2012
He’s not fit to be a vet
by: Rose

You are right Micheal he isn’t fit to be a vet.
I can’t for the life of me understand why the AVMA don’t crack down on vets giving discounts on declawing when it’s supposed to be last resort.
Yes it is just like saying come on in and have your cats toe ends chopped off cheaply.
I’m glad this one is named and shamed.
I emailed and commented and yes my comment has gone too.
What a coward!

Jan 04, 2012
Another cat abuser
by: Barbara

Thank you Michael for exposing yet another pimp who is happy to make money off the back of suffering cats, how despicable not only to provide such a disgusting “service” but also to give out coupons to persuade would be clients to have their cats crippled by his clinic and no other. I have emailed him too and of course had no reply. How many more cats will be abused and how many more thousands of dollars will this pimp make before declawing is outlawed???

Barbara avatar

Jan 04, 2012
Cruel unnecessary surgery
by: Ruth

Yes this supposed to be last resort surgery for serious scratching problems is being advertised with discount at this clinic and I know already this ‘doctor’ has had countless protest emails which of course he has ignored.
Also there is a place to post a comment on his web site, but guess what ? Yes ALL comments apart from one from a client praising him, mysteriously disappear.
How many more kittens lives is this doctor going to ruin, how many cats have to suffer pain and a lifetime of disablement before this cruel surgery is BANNED as it is in other civilised countries !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 03, 2012
by: cat lady

Please do not declaw cats! I had a Siamese 40 yrs ago that i had declawed, she was such a sweet cat , one day she got out of the house and almost got into a fight with a dog. Thank God , I saved her, but I realized what a terrible thing I did to her, taking away her natural defenses. I would NEVER have done this procedure, had I not been so uninformed and naive. I was more worried about my beautiful furniture than my sweet Schatzie. Young and dumb!!! I would never do this again, as I look back I realize what a terrible position I put my gorgeous cat in to, by subjecting her to this terible procedure. If my letter helps just one person I will be happy even the Vet who does these horrible operations.
To take away an animals natural defenses is a terrible thing to do. Imagine being in a terrible neighborhood at night, with no arms??? I will always regret that I put my Schatzie thru this stupid operation. May she rest in peace! What a dummy I used to be! If you need to have a cat de-clawed , you should’nt have one in the house!!!!

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