God gave cats their claws for many reasons

By Leah

God gave cats their claws for many reasons. This is just me. I’m of fairly average intelligence. I don’t study politics or religion, maybe I should I don’t know. It would probably be advantageous to be more politically aware.

I suppose I am someone with very simplistic needs. I need to have a job because I like to eat, need to know my cats will eat, pay the mortgage and feel secure. I don’t want or need the latest gadgets. I prefer to be able to walk in my garden and smell freshly cut grass or the earthy smell of autumn. I like to be with people I love. I cherish the company of my three cats on a winter night by the fire.

I digress, I know but what I’m trying to say is that as a simple person I also know right from wrong; I don’t need to preach religion or politics to know that declawing can be nothing other than very, very wrong.

Like Michael I don’t intend to criticise one religion or another but all too often I hear someone say ‘I have God to thank for everything I’ve got’ but that usually seems to mean materialistic things; sadly where some people are concerned this includes companion animals (not me I am of the belief they are on loan to us to cherish during their time on earth). It seems to be all mine, mine, mine and because its mine I’ll do exactly what I want with it. But what I don’t understand and I never will is how someone can say they are religious; they love God but they want to and think its OK to mutilate and alter one of Gods creatures!? Someone please explain to me because I think it’s hypocritical!

God gave cats their claws for many reasons, do you think he would be happy that his perfect creations were being horribly mutilated and turned into a poor crippled creatures? No, I think not. But that’s just me; and as I say I have simplistic views.


28 thoughts on “God gave cats their claws for many reasons”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thank you both very much its true full time work takes up so much time and if I didn’t have time to re-charge my batteries I’d go mad I think lol. Michael that was in my mind to be honest when I wrote the article; the amount of religious people in America.

  3. Like I say Michael I’m not religious but at school I remember the hymn so well ‘all things bright and beautiful’ which follows on ‘all creatures great and small’ God made these creatures and I just feel that we shouldn’t mess with his work I just find it all so sad.

  4. She was a beautiful soul Dee and never happier than when surrounded by cats, her own and anyone elses, so that is where she will be if she is anywhere.

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