Good news for Florida’s feral cat colony caretakers

by Dee
(Ocala, FL)


Sheltering Hands, a local cat rescue organization, is in the process of launching Marion County’s first TNR (trap, neuter, release) program for feral/stray cats.

We have l-o-n-g needed this. For me and many others who care for cat colonies it means that we can register our congregations and manage them freely. For those of us who have had head-on collisions with the dreaded animal control people, we will no longer be harassed or live in fear. They, nor anyone else, will be allowed to mess with any registered feral cat colony or their caretakers.

There is an open meeting with Sheltering Hands on July 17, 2011 at 5pm (yes, that’s a Sunday) at what used to be the old Humane Society building at 10699 SW 105th Avenue Ocala, FL. I’ve been told to bring a chair unless I want to stand. They have just taken over the building and are not furnished yet.

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Please attend if you are a caretaker, know caretakers, or just have an interest in TNR, Please spread the word..


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Good news for Florida’s feral cat colony caretakers

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Jul 08, 2011 GREAT NEWS!!!
by: Gail (Boston, USA)

Dee, I am so very happy for you and your fellow caretakers of feral colonies. See? Sooner or later, authorities will come around when they realize that killing ferals doesn’t solve the problem – only caring for these wonderful felines with TNR. Awesome! Wish I could attend, but I’ll be thinking of you guys. Way to go!!!

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